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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

IDST 323 Reimagining and Sustaining Sense of Place

Knows elements and theories contributing to multiple senses and understanding of place, inter-relatedness of human society and complex environmental challenges. Students will identify a place of significance to them, illuminate understanding of the sense of that place through interdisciplinary research and reflection, and apply personal, community and ecological dimensions of place to personal, local, regional and national efforts to sustain and enhance place for self and community. This course is inspired by the interdisciplinary, community-rooted Chautauqua model for adult learning and critical thinking, a model designed to build on experiential learning with ¿intellectual quickening.¿

Special information

Prerequisites: MnTC Goal 1 writing requirement or equivalent. Note: Students will be well prepared with previous social science and/or natural science coursework, experiential learning, or community involvement.
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective January 2, 2021 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Understanding the inter-relatedness of human society and the natural environment.
  • Applying critical consciousness of that interrelationship to assessment of a place
  • Identifying strategies and approaches to create and nurture sustainability

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

Goal 5: History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • Employ the methods and data that historians and social and behavioral scientists use to investigate the human condition.
  • Examine social institutions and processes across a range of historical periods and cultures.
  • Use and critique alternative explanatory systems or theories.
  • Develop and communicate alternative explanations or solutions for contemporary social issues.

Goal 10: People and the Environment

  • Explain the basic structure and function of various natural ecosystems and of human adaptive strategies within those systems.
  • Discern patterns and interrelationships of bio-physical and socio-cultural systems.
  • Describe the basic institutional arrangements (social, legal, political, economic, religious) that are evolving to deal with environmental and natural resource challenges.
  • Evaluate critically environmental and natural resource issues in light of understandings about interrelationships, ecosystems, and institutions.
  • Propose and assess alternative solutions to environmental problems.
  • Articulate and defend the actions they would take on various environmental issues.

Summer 2025

Section Title Instructor books eservices
50 Reimagining and Sustaining Sense of Place Lacey, Carol Elizabeth Books for IDST-323-50 Summer 2025 Course details for IDST-323-50 Summer 2025