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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

MGMT 320 Organizational Behavior

This course focuses on the behavior of individuals and groups within diverse organizations and on organizational structure and processes. Topics include motivation, group development and dynamics, teamwork, communication, organizational structure, job design, stress, power, politics, conflict, and organizational culture.

Special information

Recommended: MGMT 310 Management Principles and Practices.
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective August 1, 1998 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Articulate the importance of organizational behavior to the effectiveness of organizations.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of major concepts and theories of organizational behavior.
  • Identify tools managers can use to achieve individual, team and organizational goals.
  • Interpret, critically analyze, recommend, and defend with supporting evidence feasible courses of action for case studies.
  • Describe the major factors affecting behavior of individuals and groups within organizations.
  • Demonstrate self-awareness about work related attitudes and behaviors.