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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

NURS 681 Innovative Teaching Strategies

The course provides learners the opportunity to explore and implement a variety of teaching/learning strategies to meet the needs of diverse student groups in nursing education. Students apply and modify teaching strategies based on educational theories and evidence-0based educational practices that were learned in NURS 682: Curriculum Design and NURS 683: Assessment and Evaluation in Nursing Education. This course is designed to provide students with experiential learning opportunities focused on planning, application, modification, and evaluation of contemporary student-centered instructional methods. Problem-based learning, distance education, and other evidence-based approaches to learning are reviewed. Course content continues to build nurse educator knowledge and competencies identified by the National League for Nursing. This course is foundational for the practicum course.


Special information

Corequisite: NURS 684P and NURS 685.
3 Graduate credits

Effective January 11, 2010 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Adapt teaching styles to facilitate learning behaviors in diverse nursing education settings.
  • Apply effective evaluation strategies, including peer-review, to the teaching/learning process.
  • Demonstrate the ability to foster development of learning in cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains.
  • Demonstrate use of information technologies to support the teaching/learning process.
  • Identify multiple ways to create an environment in classroom, laboratory, and clinical settings that facilitate student learning.
  • Utilize knowledge of evidence-based nursing practice to instruct learners.