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PRSP 301T Perspectives: Educational Philosophy and Planning Theory Seminar

This theory seminar is geared for students with experience in independent learning such as: teaching, training, human resources, management or supervision; learning situations such as education in another country, English as a second language or disabilities; or other learning situations that have helped them reflect on and understand values and expectations toward being an educated person.

Special information

Note: Instructor approval is required prior to registering for Theory Seminar. Students must complete Diagnostic Survey and short essay questions to gauge whether the seminar format is appropriate. Access the diagnostic survey/test through the D2L "Theory Seminar Resources" site. Sign up for the free site under the D2L right-hand column "Self-Register". Meeting dates: in addition to independent work between sessions. Meeting dates: TBA.
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective August 1, 1998 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Analyze what it means to be an educated person through multiple perspectives in the context of the history of education and various educational philosophies.
  • Evaluate how factors such as gender, race, cultural perspectives and socio-economic status relate to the question of what it means to be an educated person.
  • Reflect on what education means in the context of your participation in local and global communities.
  • Design an individualized degree plan that fulfills their self-defined learning needs, in the context of Metropolitan State University.