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PSYC 304T Violence Against Women Theory Seminar

This seminar is designed for students who have practical experience in resources and programs for battered women and their families. It is also for women who have been battered or experienced other forms of violence, but may not have been exposed to underlying theoretical concepts. Students must have work or life experience to take this theory seminar. Prerequisite: Obtain and complete diagnostic test/or essay from the Teaching Center. Overlap: PSYC 304 Battered Women: An Historical and Social Perspective.

Special information

Overlap: PSYC 304 Battered Women: An Historical and Social Perspective.
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective August 1, 1998 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Current social services that support women will be presented.
  • Student will apply knowledge to improve outreach to battered women.
  • Student will learn how the legal system trends that relate to battered women.
  • Student will learn the historical and social roots of violence.

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

Goal 5: History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences

  • Employ the methods and data that historians and social and behavioral scientists use to investigate the human condition.
  • Examine social institutions and processes across a range of historical periods and cultures.
  • Use and critique alternative explanatory systems or theories.
  • Develop and communicate alternative explanations or solutions for contemporary social issues.