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SCRW 402 Catalyst Storieroad and Festival Experience

This is a 6 week course centered around the Catalyst Story Institute including 2-3 nights of travel to the Catalyst Content Festival in Duluth, MN, Minnesota's premier industry marketplace for independently produced episodic and narrative programming. Activities include panel discussions, film and TV screenings, table reads, pitch sessions, workshops, and networking with film and TV professionals. A one-time student lab fee will cover lodging, a 1-year Storieroad Institute Membership, and a Catalyst Festival Pass. Transportation will be the responsibility of the student. Festival dates vary yet are always in early October.


2 Undergraduate credits

Effective December 12, 2022 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Apply story pitching techniques in a real-world environment
  • Evaluate a variety of approaches to achieving success in the TV, film and digital media production industry
  • Articulate short and long-term goals towards a career in the local/national film, TV, and digital media production industry
  • Develop relationships with peers and industry leaders via festival networking opportunities

Fall 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
01 Catalyst Storieroad and Festival Experience Bandow, Jeremy David Books for SCRW-402-01 Fall 2024 Course details for SCRW-402-01 Fall 2024