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SPED 620 Collaboration and Transition Practices in Special Education

This course will prepare urban special education teacher candidates in the development of individualized education programs, the management of teaching and learning for individualized instruction, and the implementation of models for collaboration with general educators, parents, and specialists including instructional assistants, cultural liaisons and language interpreters in urban settings. Participants will learn basic principles of group process, problem solving, decision making, collaboration, and teamwork for IEP development. Case management and collaboration processes will be integrated with computer-based systems for creating and managing IEPs including the potential for asynchronous electronic collaboration models. Students will create and differentiate between annual goals and learning objectives for instructional planning to promote educational achievement of students with high-incidence disabilities.

Special information

Note: Formerly known as SPED 605. This course is offered concurrently with SPED 420.
3 Graduate credits

Effective May 2, 2024 to present

Learning outcomes


  • Conveying the rights and responsibilities of students, parents, teachers, and schools in the provision of services to students with disabilities as well as the, complexities, and reciprocal influences of family, school, and community participants involved in the special education process.
  • Building relationships with children and their families as a basis for designing appropriate learning experiences using theories of family dynamics, roles, and relationships within families and between families and communities
  • Learning about and determining home cultural strengths, family structures, and needs in preparing children for the participation in the broader society
  • Demonstrating respect for families' choices and goals for their children and communicate with families about curriculum, their children's programs, and future lifelong learning
  • Use assessment data and collaborative practices with parents, students and professionals to develop Individualized Education Plans¿including universal design for learning and appropriate options for the selection, acquisition, and use of assistive technology and supplementary aids and services¿in managing learning, teaching, program planning and transition planning
  • Develop and differentiate between annual goals, learning objectives, and instructional planning for achieving goals and objectives including options for access to the general education curriculum and state assessment options
  • Working with instructional assistants, interpreters, and Parent/community volunteers
  • Understand and make use of structures supporting interagency collaboration, including interagency services, agreements, referral, and consultation

Fall 2024

Section Title Instructor books eservices
01 Collaboration and Transition Practices in Special Education Staff, Staff Books for SPED-620-01 Fall 2024 Course details for SPED-620-01 Fall 2024