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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

THEA 303 The Live Theater Experience

This course is designed to expose students to the wide and unique variety of theater available in the Twin Cities with a conscious emphasis on mission specific theater companies such as Theater Mu, Ten Thousand Things, Penumbra, Mixed Blood, etc. which practice color blind/color conscious casting. Through lecture, discussion, and play attendance at professional and semi-professional venues, students will acquire the skills to critically analyze and appreciate theater and its components. Early classes and on-line links/supporting materials are provided for navigating each play experience. Students will respond to each performance through one of several approaches, depending on the type of play attended.

Special information

Fee: $100 for discounted theater tickets. Prerequisite: Completion of Goal 1 writing requirements or instructor's permission.
4 Undergraduate credits

Effective August 19, 2017 to present

Meets graduation requirements for

Learning outcomes


  • Develop the critical and analytical skills to articulate and defend an informed judgement about theater and explore one's personal, societal and spiritual connections to it.
  • Demonstrate an appreciation for the aesthetic principals that guide or govern live theater performance as to enhance personal enjoyment of this unique and shared experience.
  • Examine the contributions of various theater artists and demonstrate a vocabulary of theater terms.
  • Compare and contrast dramatic elements of selected play scripts with live performance interpretations.
  • Analyze the structure of a dramatic argument as made manifest in the theater.
  • Evaluate the playwright's point of view.

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum

Goal 6: The Humanities and Fine Arts

  • Demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities.
  • Understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within a historical and social context.
  • Respond critically to works in the arts and humanities.
  • Engage in the creative process or interpretive performance.
  • Articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities.