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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

College of Individualized Studies internship requirements

College of Individualized Studies students may elect to include IDST 350: Individualized Internship as a part of their degree plan. Internships must be interdisciplinary or related to the student’s area of focus. Students may contact the CIS internship faculty liaison, Richard Bohannon, at for more information.

Students should be aware of the following while developing an internship proposal:

Title* – These internships appear on a transcript as “IDST 350: Individualized Internship.”

Grading Method* – These internships will be graded Satisfactory/No Credit (S/N)*

Number of Credits** – the number of credits will be based on the time you spend on site, up to four (4) credits for one internship.

40 hours = 1 credit

80 hours = 2 credits

120 hours = 3 credits

160 hours = 4 credits

Learning outcomes***:

During the internship experience the student will:

  • Analyze the role, function, mission, and goals of the internship site.
  • Successfully perform specific internship responsibilities.
  • Combine theoretical learning and practical application.

Learning methods—the internship should be geared toward college-level learning by involving the student in self-directed, self-originated work that combines practical application with theoretical components.

Supervisor—the internship should be supervised by a qualified on-site supervisor who can provided a letter about the nature of the student’s work. The on-site supervisor must have a baccalaureate degree and/or expertise in the internship area.

Supervisor’s letter—at the conclusion of the internship, the site supervisor should submit a letter evaluating the on-site performance of the student, based on the internship agreement and documenting the total hours on site.

Evaluator*—the internship can be evaluated by a CIS resident or community faculty member.


  • The student will prepare a substantive paper (8-10 pages, typed and double-spaced) that addresses the learning outcomes described in the internship proposal
  • A Satisfactory (S) or No Credit (NC) grade will be posted for the internship after both the student’s final paper and the site supervisor’s letter have been received

Other options for students

* If you want a specific Title or Letter Grading, then your Evaluator must be appropriately credentialed in the subject matter area. There may not be a subject matter expert readily available in the College of Individualized Studies, and students should be prepared to work with faculty in other colleges/departments at the university.

** If you are interested in more than four (4) credits, you should work with your advisor to plan additional independent study, prior learning assessment, or a second internship that is distinct from the first.

*** You may develop specific learning outcomes in addition to the general ones that are common to all IDST 350 internships. You should expect to develop such outcomes if you are seeking a specific title and/or letter grading. These learning outcomes should be developed in consultation with your evaluator.

College of Individualized Studies Internship Approval

  1. Students must complete the Academic Internship Agreement form. Forms must be signed by the student, site supervisor, evaluator, and faculty liaison.
  2. Students are encouraged to meet with their advisor to review their individualized degree plan before proposing an internship.
  3. Students cannot be related, by marriage or otherwise, to the on-site supervisor for the internship.
  4. Typically, students should not begin work until the internship has been approved and registered.

Important notes: Students should check the Academic Calendar for the last date to register for registration and allow up to 30 days for processing of paperwork. Students should not begin work until they have received approval for an internship. A grade will not be posted for the internship until both the student's final paper and the site supervisor's letter have been accepted by College of Individualized Studies.