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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Adult Education Graduate Certificate

About The Program

Minnesota has been facing a significant foundational skills deficit: workers lack the necessary skills across various employment fields. This issue is particularly acute among new refugees, immigrants, native indigenous populations, and economically disadvantaged groups. Each year, tens of thousands of Minnesota adult learners participate in adult basic education and developmental education programs, guided by licensed teachers and trained volunteers. To address this educational gap, the College of Individualized Studies (CIS) is offering a fully online Adult Education Graduate Certificate. This program is designed to prepare teachers, administrators, trainers, and counselors to improve foundational skills for under-trained populations, including English language literacy and technology usage. In short, this program offers significant added value to those who are currently engaged or would like to contribute to the nexus of adult basic and developmental education.

This 14-credit, completely online Adult Education Certificate is designed to prepare teachers, trainers, administrators, and counselors in the broad political, social, economic, and theoretical aspects of improving adult foundational skills in a global environment.

Using a culturally responsive and representative curriculum, the Adult Education Certificate program consists of four courses that focus on trauma-informed teaching. These courses introduce participants to approaches and techniques connected with teaching adult foundational skills and literacy, as well as formal and informal assessment approaches to literacy, prompting students to build on their interests through targeted fieldwork.

Adult Education Certificate Program Highlights

  • Offers a deep understanding of the characteristics—within the social and demographic context—that motivate adults to engage in lifelong learning opportunities
  • Offers a deep understanding of various adult learning and development theories
  • Offers a deep understanding of intermediate and advanced approaches to teaching adult literacy and of formally and informally assessing the literacy skills of adult learners
  • Offers a deep understanding of the importance of literacy in empowering the poor and dispossessed
  • Offers a deep understanding of various adult education and literacy programs
  • Enables learners to connect theory with practice and develop real-world teaching experience in adult education settings or training

Student outcomes

Learners who complete the Adult Education Certificate online will be able to demonstrate:

  • Design and teach various foundational literacy courses in adult basic education settings, in the workplace, and community
  • Evaluate various requirements of foundational literacy in adult basic education settings, in the workplace, community, and family
  • Assess foundational literacy skills of adult learners using various formal and informal methods
  • Critically evaluate various strategies for teaching English as a foreign language
  • Critically evaluate various online, adult-focused, teaching and training programs
  • Appreciate and advocate for cultural and gender integration into English communication, comprehension, and oral communication skills for the workplace

Earn the Adult Education Certificate online

If you are a teacher, trainer, administrator or counselor interested in the broad political, social, economic, and theoretical aspects of helping improve adult foundational skills, the Adult Education Certificate program at Metro State provides a great opportunity to continue your education.

How to enroll

Program eligibility requirements

The Adult Education graduate certificate program allows students to complete their certificate program within three semesters. However, students may take up to two years from the first semester of graduate study to complete their program certificate requirements.

International Students

This is not a degree-granting program, therefore applications from international students studying on an F-1 student visa cannot be accepted into this program.

Application instructions

Metro State University is participating in the common application for graduate programs (GradCAS). Applications are only accepted via the CAS website.

CAS steps

  1. Select the term for which you are seeking admission (below), and navigate to the CAS website. Open applications include:
  2. Create or log in to your account and select the Adult Education Graduate Certificate program.
  3. Carefully review all instructions and complete all four sections of the application.

Specific application requirements for individual programs can be found on each program page in CAS. Carefully read the instructions that appear throughout the application pages. You can only submit your application once. If you need to update information you have submitted, please notify

Application fee

A nonrefundable $38 fee is required for each application.
Applications will not be processed until this fee is received.

Active-duty military, veterans, and Metro State alumni can receive an application fee waiver. Contact

Courses and Requirements


Students who are admitted into the certificate program, and who have a background in this area of work, may consult with their advisor to explore completing the program within two semesters.

Program sequence

  • ADED 620: Introduction to Adult Education is a prerequisite and must be taken before any of the other courses.
  • ADED 640: Techniques and Approaches to Teaching Adults must be taken before enrolling in ADED 690: Field Experience.
  • ADED 640 cannot be completed at the same time as ADED 660: Assessment in Adult Education.

Student licensure

Academic Progress Policy

Students are responsible for understanding the questions about Part Two requirements or the program in general, please contact Prof. Daniel Woldeab, Director of the Certificate Program, at (preferred) or call 612-793-1781e Academic Progress Policy, and for monitoring their academic progress and immediately notifying the Program Director of a low grade or non- completion of a class or other learning.

To remain in good standing and to qualify for completion, students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0. Grades below C+ do not apply to program requirements, but are calculated in the cumulative grade point average.

Academic Probation, Dismissal and Reapplication

Satisfactory Academic Progress

  • Students must maintain satisfactory academic progress to remain in the program.
  • Only courses with a letter grade of C+ (2.33 or better count toward certificate requirements; however, a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 is required for completion.
  • Only courses with letter grades (A–C+) are applied to the graduate certificate, with the exception of ADED 690, which is graded as Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory (S–NS).
  • Students who receive a letter grade of C+ or below in any of the courses will be placed on academic probation. Students who receive a letter grade of C+ or below in two courses, or whose cumulative graduate GPA falls below 3.0, will be dismissed from the graduate certificate program.
  • Students suspended from the ADED graduate certificate for unsatisfactory academic progress, may reapply after one calendar year has passed. Re-admission to the certificate program is not automatic.
  • Students should immediately consult with the Graduate Certificate Director if they have questions or concerns about their academic standing.
  • Lastly, in addition to failing to meet academic requirements, students can be removed from the program for violating academic integrity. Please carefully review the University's Academic integrity policies and procedures. In the case of dismissal from the program due to a violation of academic integrity, students have the right to appeal their dismissal in writing to the ADED program director within 30 days of the dismissal. In the case of an unfavorable decision, students have 30 days to appeal the program director's decision to the Dean of the College and subsequently to the Provost, following the proper sequence. All appeals and determinations shall be provided in writing.

Appeal of Unsatisfactory Academic Progress Removals from the Program

Students suspended from the program for unsatisfactory academic progress may appeal the suspension to the College of Individualized Studies dean. The appeal must be in writing and it must provide specific grounds for the appeal. The appeal to the dean is due within 30 days of receiving confirmation of suspension from the program; appeals received after 30 days will not be considered.

Reactivating into the Certificate Program

Should a student who is admitted to the certificate program not be able to start the program and register for courses, they will be able to retain their accepted status for up to a year; students in this situation should consult with the Certificate Program Director. Students who have been admitted but do not register for courses for more than a year without consulting with the Certificate Program Director, will be dropped from active status and will need to reapply to the program.

Similarly, students who started the program and are in good academic standing, but who have not registered for a year, must reapply to the program. If readmitted, students are required to satisfy the program requirements in force at the time of readmission, if those requirements differ from those in force at the time of original admission.

Time to Completion

The Adult Education graduate certificate program allows students to complete their certificate within three semesters. However, students may take up to five years from the semester of admission to fulfill their program certificate requirements.

Students who are admitted into the certificate program, and who have a background in this area of work, may consult with their advisor to explore completing the program within two semesters; this could mean taking ADED 620 alongside ADED 640, followed by ADED 660 alongside ADED 690. Finally, with the exception of the ADED 690 field experience, which should be completed in the final semester of the program, the initial courses can be completed in any order.

If unable to complete the program within five years from the first semester of admission, students can request an extension in writing from the director of the Adult Education Graduate Certificate program. This request must be made before the five-year limit is reached. In the case of a negative decision, students have the right to appeal within 30 days to the Dean of CIS.

Additionally, students in this program have the right to request a leave of absence for unforeseen personal reasons by submitting a written request to the College of Individualized Studies. An extension of the time limit may be requested by writing to the Graduate Certificate Program Director. Such requests must be received before the expiration of the time limit and should include:

  • The reason(s) for requesting the extension.
  • A summary of the student's plan to complete the certificate requirements.
  • A specific date for the extension to expire.

The program director shall respond to this request within 30 working days.

Adult Education Courses (14 credits)

This course deals with various advanced theories and approaches to teaching adults, paying special attention to the role of English communication for the workplace. As part of our framework, we will use major adult learning theories such as transformative, self-directed, experiential, and cooperative, in order to explore various aspects of adult development as they relate to life-long learning. The course uses extensive readings, class discussions, and site observations of adult education centers, community education, and workplace education settings to address adult teaching strategies in various environments. The course in particular will address the following topics: learning and improving English literacy as an adult; advanced approaches to teaching reading, writing and communications skills; technology as a teaching tool; teaching students with disabilities; and cultural and gender discrimination.

Full course description for Techniques and Approaches to Teaching Adults

This course will focus on ways of formally and informally assessing the literacy of adult learners. Once learner needs have been identified, specific content ¿materials, tools, and instructional approaches can be used to assist adult learning in various settings. We will also look at appropriate assessments for English as a foreign language; adult English literacy skills needed for work, family, community and continuing education; the uses and issues of standardized tests; assumptions about testing, cultural bias and interpretation of formal tests; test preparation programs; and hiring discrimination caused by misuse of hiring tests. Finally, the course will also cover assessment of adult literacy using approaches such as applications and case studies; planning for work, family and community, including transition to post-secondary education career and vocational preparation; and use of formal testing for college admission, and other educational and vocational programs.

Full course description for Assessment in Adult Education with Emphasis on Adult Literacy

This fieldwork course is designed to give learners the opportunity to connect theory with practice and develop real-world teaching experience in adult basic education settings or training. Through this hands-on experience in authentic learning situations, students deepen their commitment to life-long learning and professional development. This two (2) credit fieldwork should be tailored to your experiences and your desired professional journey.

Full course description for Field Experience

This course will cover various theories and approaches to adult education. Identify and assess the literacy skills needed in the workplace community and family. We will review the evolution of adult literacy in the US, and in Minnesota in particular, and will look at state and Federal programs associated with literacy and adult education. The course will also address the need for writing in plain language for low-literacy employees. Finally, the course will also analyze and assess community literacy programs and the role literacy plays in social and economic empowerment. We will also cover ways of reaching underrepresented groups. We will critically examine new social action approaches to literacy education; and related issues such as poverty and welfare, ethnicity, cultural barriers to literacy and achievement related to social class.

Full course description for Introduction to Adult Education with Emphasis on Adult Literacy

Please note that ADED 620: Introduction to Adult Education with Emphasis on Adult Literacy is a prerequisite and must be taken before any of the other courses. For students not admitted into the certificate program, and who are taking these courses as electives, please note that you are encouraged to take ADED 620 before any other course.