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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Political Science Minor

College of Liberal Arts / Social Science
Undergraduate minor

About The Program

Why political science?

Political science is an ideal field of study for students interested in:

  • Social justice: Building a more equitable world
  • Rule of law: Ensuring that no one is above the law and laws are applied equally to all
  • Understanding institutions: Identifying points of access and how power can be applied to change outcomes
  • Systems of inequality: Understanding how opportunities and benefits in society are unequally distributed among groups, privileging some while subordinating others

What will I do in the minor?

Courses in the Political Science Minor will teach:

  • The origins and development of political systems, ideologies and institutions;
  • Political dimensions of difference and inequality;
  • The impact of political values and the ways these values shape institutional development and change.

Students in the Political Science Minor will take between 19 and 20 credits of Political Science courses.

What can I do with the minor?

Students in the Political Science minor will choose between courses in three general areas:

  • U.S. political institutions: These classes focus on the ways in which political institutions structure power in the United States, paying attention to issues of access, representation, and unequal outcomes.
  • Global politics: These classes focus on international politics, globalization, and political problems that transcend international boundaries.
  • Political action and community leadership: These classes focus on the development of concrete political skills related to community organizing and effective political advocacy.

The Political Science minor at Metro State University combines both the academic study of politics with real-world political experience. 

Student outcomes

The learning outcomes for this minor provide the knowledge, skills, and abilities to enter the 21st-century workplace to:

  • know and understand the essential concepts of social science;
  • comprehend the historical foundations, theoretical paradigms, and research methods of social science;
  • develop higher order thinking skills by analyzing and interpreting social science literature;
  • write analytically in a style that is informed, well-reasoned, and literate;
  • recognize and understand differences of gender and sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, religion, and social class;
  • understand and utilize a global perspective; and
  • develop civic skills by participating in community-based learning and internships
  • become advocates and leaders in their communities, our nation, and the globe.

How to enroll

Current students: Declare this program

Once you’re admitted as an undergraduate student and have met any further admission requirements your chosen program may have, you may declare a major or declare an optional minor.

Future students: Apply now

Apply to Metropolitan State: Start the journey toward your Political Science Minor now. Learn about the steps to enroll or, if you have questions about what Metropolitan State can offer you, request information, visit campus or chat with an admissions counselor.

Get started on your Political Science Minor

Program eligibility requirements

Only non social-science majors may do this minor.

Courses and Requirements


Summary (19-20 credits)

+ Lower Division Course (3 - 4 credits)

Students hoping to transfer in lower-division credits in Political Science should meet with an advisor as soon as they declare their minor to see if a course substitution is possible. In some cases, lower-division electives may be transferred in and accepted as a substitute course for POL 101.

+ Survey Course (4 credits)


This course investigates the theory and practice of citizenship in local communities, the United States and the world. Students draw on core concepts from political science to explore contrasting ideas about citizenship and the political, economic and cultural dimensions of critical issues facing the global community. Classroom inquiry is supplemented by field experiences and investigation.

Full course description for Citizenship in a Global Context

This course examines critical global issues and the organizations and institutions that are attempting to address them. Drawing on concepts from political science and international relations, students explore such issues as human rights, the global environment, violence within and between nations, and the gap between "have" and "have not" nations. The course investigates the response of the United States to these issues as well as the effectiveness of formal international organizations like the United Nations and emerging transnational citizen organization. Classroom inquiry is supplemented by field experience and investigation.

Full course description for Approaches to World Politics

+ Upper Division Electives (12 credits)

Students must take 3 upper division courses in political science. Students may substitute SSCI 300, SSCI 311, SSCI 401, or SSCI 411 for one upper division political science course.