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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Urban Education Undergraduate Admissions Requirements

In order to become admitted to the School of Urban Education, undergraduate students must first be admitted to Metropolitan State University and demonstrate meeting admission criteria by fulfilling the admissions requirements listed below. Admission to the School of Urban Education and the Urban Teacher Program is required to enroll in 300 and 400 level Education (EDU),Special Education (SPED), and content methods (LAED, MAED, SCED, SSED) courses designed for teaching licensure.


  • Demonstrate commitment to teaching in an urban context.
  • Demonstrate understanding of and respect for diverse urban learners and their communities.
  • Complete at least 20 hours of experience working with youth in an urban setting.
  • Demonstrate professional conduct for positive interactions with students and educators in an urban environment.
  • Complete coursework required for admission with a C or higher and an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher (students with a 2.0-2.49 GPA may apply for conditional admission).


  • Meet with a School of Urban Education academic advisor about the program including all admissions requirements, and complete a major program declaration form.
  • Complete the following:
    • University General Education or MN Transfer Curriculum course requirements (All 10 Goal Areas, 40 credits).
    • Ethnic Studies (ETHS) coursework (at least 3 credits) focusing on issues of race and racism experienced by various communities of color. (May be used to meet General Education requirements in one or two goal areas depending on Goal Area designations for course chosen.)
    • At least 8 credits of content courses required for the major (e.g., Biology, Mathematics, Literature, History/Social Science or Psychology).
    • EDU 200 Introduction to Urban Education & Reflective Teaching (3 credits) with a grade of C or higher.
    • EDU 203 Multicultural Education (3 credits) with a grade of C or higher.
  • Submit the following within TaskStream (contact your Urban Ed advisor or with your ID# to get a TaskStream account established):
    • Complete Admission Application form within TaskStream
    • Acknowledgement Form within TaskStream that you have read and understand the UTP Standards of Professional Conduct
    • Essay written in EDU 200 titled "Why I will be an effective urban (insert license area) teacher."
    • Documentation of completing at least 20 hours of recent field experience with diverse youth in a qualified urban context (prior experience may count; most hours can be gained while completing EDU 200 and EDU 203).

Urban Teacher Program admission timelines

Students must first be admitted to the university.  Admission to the Urban Teacher Program occurs on a rolling basis, and students are strongly encouraged to apply well before the deadlines listed below in order to have opportunities to register for classes in upcoming semesters (summer and fall registration begins in mid-March, and spring registration begins in mid-October.)

  • Fall: August 15
  • Spring: December 15
  • Summer: April 15