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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Alumni information and data

We hope you will contact Alumni Relations when you would like to share information about your career or have other news you would like to share in the alumni magazine's "News and Notes." Also, if you have changed your address, phone number, email address, employer or any other personal information, please email us.

This information helps us comply with state and federal reporting requirements, carry out institutional research and support affirmative action efforts. In addition, this information helps us provide better service to you. Addresses are used to send alumni newsletters, university updates and special event notifications. To be taken off the mailing list, contact Alumni Relations via email or by phone at 651-793-1808.

Alumni data privacy policy

Federal and state laws regulate how employees and agents of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities handle data that they collect, create, receive or release in any tangible form. Data on individuals is classified into three levels of accessibility:

  1. Confidential (the most restricted; not accessible to the subject of the data)
  2. Private (accessible to the subject of the data and those who have a legitimate business necessity for the access)
  3. Public (accessible to anyone, no reason need be given)

Director information is not generally considered to be a violation of privacy. Following Minnesota State guidelines, Metropolitan State University has designated the following as directory information (public):

  • name
  • major field of study
  • dates of attendance
  • degrees received

How does the Alumni Relations and Development Office use alumni information?

Most data is used in statistical reports. For instance, the number of graduates living in Minnesota or in a particular legislative district. These numbers are valuable when meeting with legislators. The number of graduates from specific Metropolitan State colleges/schools or with a particular major is tracked. This information assists Metropolitan State plan future programs, as well as anticipate growth and budget needs.

Addresses are used to send alumni newsletters, university updates and special event notification. To be taken off the mailing list, contact Alumni Relations at 651-793-1808 or send us an email. Employee information is used when planning alumni corporate meetings.

The Alumni Relations and Development Office follows Metropolitan State's data privacy policy. If anyone contacts our office to connect with a graduate, we take the inquirer's name, email and phone number. This information is forwarded to the graduate, who then chooses if they want to make the connection.

How does the Foundation Office use alumni information?

The Alumni Association's mission statement says: "The Metropolitan State University Alumni Association engages the alumni to support the university's mission by serving as community ambassadors and partnering with the university in achieving common goals." As part of this mission, the Alumni Association Board supports fundraising efforts through the University Advancement Office.

The foundation contacts alumni through a mailing from the university or through phone calls made by alumni volunteers in an effort to give alumni an opportunity to contribute to the university. If there are not enough volunteers, the Foundation may periodically supplement volunteers with paid callers. A graduate can request no fundraising contact by contacting Alumni Relations at 651-793-1808 or send us an email.