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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Transfer Pathway

Elementary Education

Degree programs

Urban Elementary Education BS for K-6 Licensure

Gain a Minnesota Teaching License in the Elementary Education (K–6) and make a difference in the lives of urban children by setting a strong education foundation that will last a lifetime. Learn more…

About Transfer Pathways

Transfer Pathways can help you earn a bachelor’s degree without losing credits or taking extra courses. Transfer Pathways are designed for you to complete a 60 credit associate’s degree at a Minnesota State college, then transfer to Metropolitan State University and complete the final 60 credits to earn a bachelor’s degree.

Working closely with your academic advisor at both the community college and Metro State will ensure you select the correct courses in the right sequence in order to graduate in a timely manner.

About Metro State

  • Is a fully accredited, comprehensive university, a member of the Minnesota State higher education system, and offer bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in more than 60 programs.
  • Is unique as over 87% of our students are transfer students who started their academic journey elsewhere.
  • Offers evening, online and hybrid course options, as well as day classes to better fit working and caregiving adult schedules.

Once admitted, contact your Metro State academic advisor early in your program to get the most out of your education, such as completing two majors, adding a minor related to your career goals, or incorporating prerequisites required for graduate school.

Nearing completion of your associate’s degree?

We encourage you to take the next steps today in learning more about what Metropolitan State can offer you and how to enroll, Learn more or visit campus.

Metro State Curriculum

Courses and requirements in addition to eligibility criteria some programs have are found on each program’s page. A grade of C- or higher is required for major courses, including transfer coursework.

A sample plan is provided below for the remaining 60 credits of coursework required at Metro State after completion of the corresponding Transfer Pathway degree. Use your Degree Audit to review and confirm your remaining requirements at Metro State. Part-time options are also available.

Graduation/Degree requirements, course list for General Education, Upper Division Liberal Studies (LS), and Racial Issue Graduation Requirements (RIGR) are available to view on the Academic and graduation requirements page.

Notes: Recommend to select MnTC courses to satisfy two goal areas if needed

Upper Division Liberal Studies (LS) = 8 upper-division credits required

Racial Issue Graduation Requirement (RIGR)= 3 credits required

After you finish a curriculum of lower-division credits (and become an admitted Metro student), you’ll complete your four-year degree with upper-division credits from Metropolitan State University. Program admission requirements are found on the Urban Education Undergraduate Admissions Requirements page for the School of Urban Education.

Semester 1: 6-9 credits

Course No. Course Name Credits
EDU 001 Orientation to Urban Education 0
ETHS XXX Any upper division Ethnic Studies course that meets Liberal Studies (4cr) 4
EDU 341 The Child and the Family in the Urban Setting 2
EDU 361

The Arts in Early Childhood and Elementary Education (* only if an equivalent course was not taken at your previous college)


Semester 2: 13 credits

Course No. Course Name Credits
EDU 323 Urban Pre-K-K Curriculum & Practicum 4
EDU 311 Urban Teaching Practicum 0
EDU 330 Teaching Children’s Literature in Urban Grades K-6 3
EDU 333 Assessing Learning in Urban Grades K-6 3
EDU 345 Classroom Management in Urban Grades K-6 3

Semester 3: 13-17 credits

Course No. Course Name Credits
MAED 106 Math for Elementary Teachers (*only if an equivalent course was taken at your previous college) 4
EDU 430 Historical and Cultural Foundations of Urban Education 3
EDU 435 Teaching English Language Learners K-12 3
EDU 481 Urban Primary Grades 1-6 Curriculum & Practicum 4
EDU 483 Foundations of Teaching Reading in Urban Grades K-6 3

Semester 4: 17 credits

Course No. Course Name Credits
EDU 487 Methods of Teaching Reading in Urban Grades K-6 3
EDU 450 Advanced Urban Teaching Practicum & Seminar 0
LAED 440 Methods of Teaching Language Arts Urban Grades K-6 3
MAED 440 Teaching Mathematics in Urban Grades K-8 4
SCED 440 Science Curriculum and Differentiated Instruction in Urban Grades K-6 4
SSED 440 Social Studies Curriculum and Differentiated Instruction in Grades K-6 3

Semester 5: 7 credits

Course No. Course Name Credits
EDU 474 Teaching and Assessing Exceptional Learners (Supplement)  1
EDU 495 Student Teaching in the Urban Elementary School 6

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A Metro State admissions counselor
is ready to answer your questions and help get you started