Annual storm water meeting
This event is cancelled
Metro State University will hold its annual Storm Water Information Meeting on Friday, April 22, from 10–11 a.m. in Jason R. Carter Science Education Center Room 115. The goal of the meeting is to let you know what the University is doing as part of the storm water improvements locally. Students, staff, faculty and community members are welcome to attend.
Urban storm water runoff contains heavy metals including lead, organics such as pesticides, and nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus in threatening quantities that cause water quality problems in the receiving water bodies—lakes, streams and rivers.
Metro State is participating with adjoining cities and communities across the country to clean up storm water and reduce flooding. This will improve our public waters for recreational and environmental uses.
- Adam Besse, P.E. – senior project manager, LHB Corporation
- Dustin Halverson, account manager, Village Green Landscapes