Leveraging Military Experience for Civilian Careers
A Metro State Career Panel
Wednesday, February 12
Noon – 1:30 pm
Wednesday, February 12
Library and Learning Center
Ecolab room 302
645 East Seventh Street, Saint Paul
Veterans Services and the Career Center invite you to "Leveraging Military Experience for Civilian Careers: A Metro State Career Panel." Join virtually or in person to hear a panel of speakers with prior military experience discuss how they found their career paths and how their military experience and skills shaped their career journey.
The event will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Library 302 and over Zoom. All are welcome to attend.
If you have any questions about the event or if you have questions you would like the panelists to answer, please email Brianna Droege at brianna.droege@metrostate.edu.