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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Center for Online Learning

Center for Online Learning Team


The Center for Online Learning (COL) is a team that combines instructional design, instructional technology, computer programming, and administration, and is housed within the university’s Center for Educational Innovation. Since 2003, COL has pursued a mission of partnering with faculty and staff to design and support excellent teaching and learning experiences in online programs and courses. 

Online and hybrid classes present unique benefits and challenges to both instructors and the student body. Supporting instructors takes many different forms, from the technological to the pedagogical. The Center for Online Learning offers support for using the learning environment, D2L Brightspace, the design of online courses, and the use of various tools and software that help students reach their academic goals.

To learn more about COL and the services they offer, please visit the Center for Online Learning Web Journal.

To request help with technology, building services, and marketing, please visit the Service Portal.

Center for Faculty Development

We provide resources and services to support Metro State's resident and community faculty and staff in realizing the university's mission, vision and values.

Student Directed Learning Office

Information about learning options such as getting credit for prior learning, student designed independent studies and student-directed learning strategies.

Service portal

Request help with technology, campus operations, marketing, financial management, and human resources

Faculty Peer Mentor Program

The Faculty Peer Mentors are a team of faculty that support and advise on best practices in course design, building courses in D2L, and teaching strategies.