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Luther Krueger

  • Senior Community Faculty


  • Masters of Public & Non-Profit Admin, Masters of Public & Non-Profit Admin
    Metropolitan State University

Recent and upcoming courses

Spring 2024

Fall 2024


Luther Krueger joined Metro State as a Community Faculty member in 2006. Krueger has taught the electives GIS for Public and Nonprofit Professionals (2006) and Public Private Partnerships (2010), as well as the capstone for the MS in Public and Nonprofit Administration degree program since 2013.

Krueger signed on with the Minneapolis Police Department in 1995 where he has overseen the performance measurement of crime prevention partnership efforts and National Night Out program throughout Minneapolis. Krueger has represented the Minneapolis Police Department at numerous national and regional conferences, and before the Kazakhstan parliament as an invited expert for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, 2009.

Krueger graduated from the University of Minnesota with a BA in English and Theatre Arts in 1985, and a MS in Public and Nonprofit Administration from Metro State in 2005.

In his spare time Krueger writes plays and book reviews for the Journal of Urban Affairs and designs, uses, and promotes solar cooking in the Lyndale neighborhood of Minneapolis, Minnesota. His current volunteer promotional work is a bi-annual road trip to conduct video interviews with active solar cooking designers, manufacturers, promoters, and power users. More than 60 solar cooking experts were interviewed through 2022.