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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

  • Year
  • Set in Minnesota
  • Format
    Web series pilot
  • Genre

Screenwriter notes

Based on a true story. Names have been changed to protect certain people. Based in St Paul's West Side, Vietnam, Southern and Northern CA, and IA

#ChicanoPerspective #VietnamVeteran #ChicanoActivism #MexicanAmerican

About the screenwriters

Lisa Castillo

Lisa Castillo is a senior in the English Department at Metro State University who started continuing her education in 2020 during the pandemic after a long hiatus to raise her family and work. When Lisa graduates Spring of 2023, she will be the first person in her immediate family to get a bachelor's degree, an accomplishment she is very proud of. Castillo has always loved to write and the Metro State program has helped her develop her love of the written word. She has been inspired by her professors and the students she has worked with in her classes. Lisa writes for her children, to inspire and share a story. Midwest Mexican is a story close to Lisa's heart. The story is based loosely on her father, a man that she admired greatly, who passed earlier 2022.

Photo of 
            Lisa Castillo