Applications are now being accepted for the George Floyd Memorial Endowed Scholarship for Racial and Social Justice.
Metropolitan State University is inspired by a generous supporter who established the endowed scholarship with a gift of $10,000. This gift was matched by the trustees of the Metropolitan State University Foundation. The first scholarship will be awarded for fall semester. Contribute to the fund here.
Apply at this URL: https://www.metrostate.edu/finances/aid/scholarships
Applications will accepted until Sept. 30.
- Students must be enrolled in a minimum of six credits in the semester(s) when they receive the scholarship, and must have a good academic and conduct record.
- Preference will be given to African American students.
- Recipient(s) will be connected to a Multicultural, American Indian and Retention Services coordinator for periodic check-ins.
For more information, please email: foundation@metrostate.edu