Also known as “Citizenship Day,” Constitution Day recognizes the signing of the United States Constitution in Philadelphia on September 17, 1787, and all those who have become U.S. citizens. Metropolitan State University’s observance this year includes information resources, a contest and a special event, made possible by our university’s membership in the American Democracy Project (ADP).
Designed to reach across differences, this hour-long event, Sept. 17, from noon –1 p.m. Central Time, is hosted by AASCU’s American Democracy Project and the New York Times, creates a space for open discussion of the U.S. Constitution and what might be (or should be) the most compelling constitutional issues in America. This national facilitated dialogue is based on the fundamental value of the pursuit of knowledge for the public good. You need not be a constitutional expert to enjoy this event and to share in the lively conversation. The event is open to all higher education students, faculty, and staff. Bring your classes and student organizations, and join us for this national dialogue. Register now.
Faculty: Please share any and all information here with your students and/or post it on D2L.
- Resources are available at the Metropolitan State University Library and Learning Center
- Get a free pocket-sized copy of The U.S. Constitution and Fascinating Facts About It
- Stop by the library services desks (Reference and Research Assistance on the first floor or Circulation on the second floor) to pick up your free copy of the pocket-sized Constitution booklet.
- Enter the Constitution Day crossword puzzle contest to win Metropolitan State University-branded prizes: Print and complete the attached crossword puzzle, pick up a copy at the Library service desks or find the puzzle here. Complete the puzzle and return it as an attachment (using your university email address) by Oct. 15, to community.engagement@metrostate.edu. HINT: This is about learning. Answers will be provided! Any and all can play.
- Learn and teach more about the U.S. Constitution and current issues of constitutional debate
- Explore two display kiosks near the library’s second floor information desk, Sept.15–25. One display is related to the U.S. and Minnesota constitutions; the other kiosk examines access to and suppression of voting rights, especially among women, Indigenous people, African-Americans and other groups.
- Get more information at https://libguides.metrostate.edu/constitution_day
- Find additional resources, including more on-line public forums that may address particular Constitutional articles and issues of interest to you. These resources are offered by our peers in the American Democracy Project campuses.
Constitution Day at Metropolitan State is cosponsored by the Institute for Community Engagement and Scholarship, Library and Information Services and the university-wide American Democracy Project. ADP is a network of 296 public colleges and universities serving 2.7 million students across 48 states plus the District of Columbia that are committed to preparing students with the knowledge, skills and experiences to be informed and engaged citizens.