Metropolitan State University’s College of Management Baccalaureate and graduate degrees have achieved accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
The ACBSP’s accreditation establishes that the College of Management’s business programs incorporate teaching excellence and a focus on students, emphasizing on preparing students for the ever-changing workplace. Accreditation ensures both accountability in and quality of the university’s business programs. This accreditation will also benefit Metropolitan State students because it will indicate to employers that graduates graduated from a high-quality program.
Meeting accreditation standards can provide:
- High quality educational programs
- Student-centered learning and engagement
- Teaching excellence
- Continuous improvement
The effort to achieve accreditation was led primarily by Jennifer Dosch and Pat Borchert, with significant support from Allen Bellas, the current College of Management interim dean; Kat Lui, the previous dean; and all the faculty and staff of the College of Management.