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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Pre-Practicum Requirements

Nursing Program Requirements

Students will abide by clinical facility’s policies and regulations which relate to the clinical experience at the facility. The facility may change policies and regulations at any time without notice. This includes, but is not limited to, immunization requirements, health requirements, background study requirements, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification requirements. Students must furnish the college/university with a record of the student's health examinations and current immunizations related to the clinical experience and are responsible to keep this certification and testing current annually or on request. Students shall grant permission to submit relevant data regarding their health status to the clinical facility. Failure to do so will result in termination from the nursing program. 

Each individual item listed below must be submitted as evidence of compliance with pre-practicum requirements and each must include the student's name and date of completion of the requirement.

  • Documentation of HIPAA training - Documentation from a health care employer indicating completion of annual HIPAA training, completion of the ATI HIPAA modules, or Minnesota DHS training is acceptable.
  • Current CPR certification at Healthcare Provider level - Must be American Heart Association, Red Cross or equivalent with a skills component. 
  • A Department of Human Services (DHS) background study (NetStudy 2.0), which requires fingerprinting and a government photo ID (valid driver's license, state ID, passport, etc.).  
    • After completion of the online application for the background study, students will receive notification via Metropolitan State University email instructing them to go to one of the many locations to have fingerprinting and a photograph taken. This must be completed within 14 days of submitting the background study online application.
  • Authorization for Release of Records and Background Study Information
  • Screening and Immunization Requirements:
    • Tuberculosis Screening: Documentation of ONE of the following within the past 12 months:
      • Two-step tuberculin skin test (TST)
        • Students who have had a negative TST within the last 12 months need one additional TST. This will constitute the two-step TST.
        • Students who have not had a TST in the past 12 months will need:
          • a full two-step TST OR
          • single TST with the record of previous baseline TB screening (two-step TST or QFT) and record of annual screening every year since the baseline screening.  OR
          • QuantiFeron blood test or T-spot.
        • If any of the above screen tests are positive, the following requirements will apply:
          • Documentation of a negative chest x-ray taken after the positive screening test.
          • Students with a positive screening test with an initial negative chest x-ray will be allowed to attend clinical experiences. These students will require a negative annual symptom survey from a healthcare provider. Approved health care providers include APRNs, MDs, DOs, and PAs.
  • Mumps Immunity: All students must have ONE of the following:
    • Two doses of Mumps vaccine after 12 months of age. OR
    • Mumps titer indicating immunity.
  • Rubeola (Red Measles) Immunity: All students must have ONE of the following:
    • Two doses of Rubeola vaccine after 12 months of age. OR
    • Rubeola titer indicating immunity.
  • Rubella (German Measles) Immunity: All students must have ONE of the following:
    • Two doses of Rubella vaccine after 12 months of age. OR
    • Rubella titer indicating immunity.
  • Hepatitis B Immunity
    • All students must have completed the series of 3 vaccinations or have a Hepatitis B titer indicating immunity. OR
    • Have a signed Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine waiver form on file with the College of Nursing and Health Sciences.
  • Tetanus Diphtheria/TD/Tdap (adult type)
    • All students must have had a tetanus vaccination/booster within the past 10 years (TD or Tdap).
    • Students who have not received Tdap (Adult type) or for whom pertussis vaccination status is unknown must receive one dose of Tdap.
  • Varicella (chicken pox) Immunity: All students must have ONE of the following:
    • History of having had chicken pox verified by a provider. OR
    • Documentation of two doses of Varicella vaccine OR
    • Varicella titer indicating immunity.
  • Seasonal Influenza Vaccine
    • Students must have a seasonal flu vaccination each year or documentation of a medical contraindication or allergy as to why they cannot receive it. 
  • COVID-19 Vaccine
    • Documented COVID-19 vaccine series and/or booster

The Nursing program endeavors to provide students with appropriate clinical training placements, but cannot guarantee placements in all circumstances. Students with personal circumstances that may limit their eligibility to participate in clinical experiences are encouraged to contact the nurse administrator for the department. 

Disclaimer: Nursing program required prerequisites are subject to change to meet our clinical site requirements and Department of Nursing policies and procedures.