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College of Business and Management external assessment

Assessment of student learning outcomes is presented below for all of our undergraduate majors using the Peregrine platform.

Over the last two years, Metro State students took the Peregrine Assessments four times in fall of 2020 (76 students), spring and fall 2021 (50 and 64 students, respectively), and spring of 2022 (78 students). A total of 268 students have taken the Peregrine Assessment. The overall test scores for Metro State students is 8.86% higher than the peer ACBSP-accredited institutions.

Bar graph showing Metro State students scoring 66.21 on the Peregrine assessment vs. a 57.55 score from peer ACBSP-accredited institutions

Additionally, Metro State students did better on all the topical areas than the peer institution.

Chart comparing Metro State student scores to those of aggregated ACBSP-accredited institutions broken down by topic

A longitudinal report based on four data points from September 2020 to June 2022.

Metro State students have consistently outperformed their peer institutions at the programmatic-level assessment which is duly reflected in the graph below. While the aggregate for ACBSP has been 57.55%, Metro State’s average has been 66.79%, 64.35%, 68.12%, and 65.26%. Despite the disruption that the ongoing pandemic had on the overall educational experience of our students, it should be noted that our students have been significantly surpassing the average score nationally reported for peer institutions. A slight decrease in the overall performance can be attributed to the pandemic as it impacted our students severely, given that most of them are adult learners with multiple other commitments. As we continue to monitor performance of our students and engage them more with their courses, we are confident that the pandemic impact will be eliminated or, at least, significantly reduced.

Chart comparing Metro State student scores to aggregated peer ACBSP-accredited institutions by semester from fall 2020 to spring 2022