February Open House: Undergraduate Programs, Tuesday, February 25, and Graduate Programs, Thursday, February 27
Registration, tutoring, advising, and more
Payment, tuition, and financial aid
Your first stop for questions and services
Your admissions and first semester checklist
Graduation and commencement information
Help and resources for students
Get involved in the campus community
Speak with faculty and staff, tour campus, learn about student services, and more! Park for free in our university parking ramp and go to the New Main Great Hall on the Saint Paul campus.
Learn about our 60+ undergraduate programs, affordable tuition, the admissions process, and support systems to ensure your success.
Learn about our 20+ master's, 4 doctoral, and 10+ graduate certificate programs.
Contact Metro State's Admissions team at admissions@metrostate.edu for undergraduate admissions, graduate.studies@metrostate.edu for graduate admissions, or phone (651.793.1302) if you have questions about admissions, enrollment, or this event.
To request disability-related accommodations, contact the Center for Accessibility Resources, accessibility.resources@metrostate.edu or 651.793.1549.