Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.
Graduation is the official confirmation of the completion of all degree requirements, as maintained on your degree audit report, and is recorded on your official transcript, both of which are administered by the Registrar's Office. Degrees are posted for the term in which the student registers for the Graduation Workshop and successfully completes all coursework. Degrees are posted once per term, based upon the official academic calendar date assigned per university policy.
Commencement is a formal event, held twice annually (spring and fall), to celebrate and recognize the milestone of completing (or the anticipated completion of) a program or degree for a respective group of students. Participation in commencement is optional and does not confirm completion of degree requirements. Commencement activities (Commencement Expo, President’s Outstanding Student Awards, and Commencement) are facilitated by Student Life & Leadership Development.
In order to apply for graduation, you must register in eServices for the Graduation Requirements Workshop, WKSP GRAD, (along with your final courses within the semester in which you intend to graduate). WKSP GRAD is an online workshop through D2L Brightspace. It contains all the information concerning graduation and a quiz where you can select your intention regarding commencement participation.
If you missed the deadline to self-register for the Graduation Requirements Workshop, please complete the Appeal to Graduate Past Deadline form below.
Once you are enrolled in the workshop, your student account will be billed a $20 graduation fee, payable through eServices, which covers the cost of your original diploma.
If you are having difficulty accessing the Graduation Requirements workshop please contact the Graduation Office at
The honors designations for undergraduate degrees and the respective cumulative GPA required for each are as follows:
To qualify for an honors designation, undergraduate students must have completed a minimum of 30 upper division credits in graded (A–F courses) at Metropolitan State University. The cumulative GPA is calculated on the basis of all graded courses taken at Metropolitan State University.
For more information on graduation with honors, please view the University Procedure #252.
Diplomas are mailed to graduates’ permanent mailing address approximately 8–10 weeks after degrees are posted. Any holds on any of your MN State accounts may delay receipt of your diploma package.
As a reminder, your diploma is mailed to the permanent address listed in eServices at the time your degree is posted. Students should notify within three months from their graduation term if they have questions or issues.
Updates to your permanent mailing address can be made through eServices.
Important Diploma Notes:
Two (2) separate packages are mailed to graduated students: one package is shipped directly from our diploma vendor containing your diploma, and another package is sent from Metro State University with an official (stamped and sealed) and an unofficial (unsealed) copy of your transcripts.
Students will be financially responsible to have a diploma reprinted and mailed to a subsequent address if they did not have the accurate permanent address listed in eServices at the time of degree posting. Students are asked to verify this address in the Graduation Workshop prior to graduation. Students will also be financially responsible if they request a new diploma be ordered with a name different from what was entered as Diploma Name in the Graduation Workshop.
If you have questions about your permanent address, contact If you have questions about your diploma name, contact
To request a duplicate diploma, complete the Duplicate Diploma Request Form:
If you have questions regarding your eligibility for graduation, please contact your advisor.
If you have questions about the Graduation Requirements Workshop, diplomas, or degree posting, please contact the Graduation Office at
Student Life and Leadership Development, the Registrar's Office, and many other departments partner closely to provide graduates with a memorable and positive experience as they complete their academic journeys at Metropolitan State.
Commencement activities for undergraduate and graduate students include the Commencement Expo, President's Outstanding Student Awards Reception, and Commencement Ceremony.
Student Life and Leadership Development facilitates all Commencement activities events.
Each semester, academic units select one outstanding graduating student to be recognized as the President's Outstanding Student Awards Reception. Undergraduate students can be nominated by faculty, staff, other students, or self-nominate each semester. The President's Outstanding Student Awards reception is by invitation, and allows for each of the academic units to celebrate the academic and co-curricular achievements of the impeccable students at the university.
Graduating students (undergraduate and graduate) can self-nominate or communicate with their faculty or academic advisor for consideration to receive their college or school’s President’s Outstanding Student Award. The deadline for nomination will be available in the Commencement D2L workshop and on the Academic Calendar. For more information or questions regarding nomination and selection, please contact your academic college or school directly.
The Spring 2025 Commencement will be held in person at Minnesota Orchestra Hall in Minneapolis on Monday, May 5. This will be a reserved seating/ticketed event. Graduates, however, do not need a ticket to enter into their ceremony.
May 5 Spring Commencement ceremonies:
First ceremony—begins 11 a.m., doors open at 10:45 a.m. Participants include the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral graduates from the following colleges:
Second ceremony—begins 3 p.m., doors open at 2:15 p.m. Participants include the undergraduate and master’s degree graduates from the following colleges:
To access more information about Commencement, including ceremony details, regalia information, "walking early", and more, please access the Commencement Packet:
Please work with your academic advisor to fill out the appropriate paperwork to ensure that you are able to register for the D2L Brightspace Graduation Workshop.
Once registered for the Graduation Requirements Workshop, WKSP GRAD, please complete the Commencement Participation Quiz to indicate your intention of participating in commencement. You will then be added to the Commencement Workshop, WKSP CMNC. Once you are enrolled in the Commencement Workshop, you are RSVP’d for Commencement
The deadline to request to participate in Spring Commencement is April 21, 2025, at noon. Students must be enrolled in the Commencement workshop by this date to participate in the ceremonies, as the ceremonies are pre-recorded for accessibility and production purposes.
To request to participate in Commencement, students may email with their name, STAR ID, program, major, and college.
Virtual commencement will include captioning and ASL interpreting, and live commencement, should that take place, will include ASL interpreting.
For accessibility-related accommodations, contact:
Students can order their cap, gown, tassel, and other commencement-related items from Herff Jones at before April 14, 2024, to receive it before your Spring 2025 Commencement Ceremony.
If you have questions about academic regalia, including returns/exchanges, please contact and Herff Jones will help you with your questions/inquiries.
DOCTORAL STUDENTS—Regalia is only available on the website, it will not be available at the Expo. The last day to order your DOCTORAL Graduation Regalia online is Tuesday, April 8, 2025.
For any questions regarding the Commencement Expo, President's Outstanding Student Awards Reception, or commencement ceremonies, contact