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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)

Logo of the National Society of Leadership and Success against a blue backdrop

About National Society of Leadership and Success (NSLS)

The NSLS is the nation's largest leadership honor society. Students are selected by their college for membership based on either academic standing or leadership potential.  Candidacy is a nationally recognized achievement of honorable distinction. With 700+ chapters, the NSLS currently has 1.4+ million members nationwide.

In addition to honorable distinction, the NSLS provides a step-by-step program for members to build their leadership skills through participation at their campus or online. Upon completion of the program, members receive their leadership certificate and take their place among the top student leaders at their campus and across the country. Members are able to list their affiliation on all statements of personal accomplishment, including their resume. 

Membership provides access to benefits including scholarships and awards, exclusive on-campus events, employer recruitment through an online job bank, and discounts on computers, textbooks, grad school prep courses, insurance and much more.

5-Step Leadership Program

ORIENTATION: This is the first event on campus for new members. Students learn the steps of the leadership development program and the schedule of events for the semester.

LEADERSHIP TRAINING DAY: Student members attend an interactive video training session where they identify goals and overcome obstacles. This interactive and introspective workshop helps members identify their true passions and strengths while creating action steps to achieve their goals.

SPEAKER BROADCASTS: Live-streamed events with leaders, celebrities, and best-selling authors are scheduled six times per year. Topics include leadership, identifying goals, facing challenges, personal growth and successfully transitioning from college to career. Students interact with the speakers via Twitter and Facebook during each broadcast.

SUCCESS NETWORKING TEAMS: Students are assigned to small groups and meet bi-weekly to set goals for future success. Members hold each other accountable using a highly specialized formula proven to produce results. After each meeting, students submit a reflective journal entry online, providing advisors the opportunity to coach and mentor in a format which actively engages students.

INDUCTION: This is the final step toward induction. Online institutions frequently host some kind of virtual or in-person celebration for this event. Students are mailed their Certificate of Leadership Training, honoring their achievement and membership in the NSLS upon completing the program.

How does NSLS affiliation benefit Metro State students and community?

  • Metro students will have access to a fully accredited online leadership development program, further enhancing the skill set of our students and providing them with critical development around:
    • Communication skills
    • Goal setting
    • Peer accountability
    • Vision creation/execution
  • Increased community development in a virtual environment:
    • Platform for students to connect and grow together
    • Mechanism to engage alumni and harness their experience to make an impact as mentors on the next generation of graduates
    • Improved sense of belonging for Metro State students
    • Positive impact on student engagement and student retention
  • Digital Badging and credentials:
    • NSLS provides digital badging and leadership credentials for students throughout their leadership journey. They will receive badges as they complete milestones and be able to add the NSLS experience to their resumes on paper and in the virtual space.

Implementation Plan

  • The NSLS program will be offered to students by the Office of Multicultural, American Indian, and Retention Services (MAIR).
  • In partnership with the Office of International Student Services, an intern has been identified and hired to support this program and will be compensated hourly for 7–10 hours per week.
  • The program will be offered online in an asynchronous modality in fall 2021 with a plan to adopt the new hybrid modality that NSLS is rolling out in spring 2022. This will allow our new chapter to get established and then evolve to a place where we can meet the needs of all of our students.
  • Metro State will work to provide a limited number of scholarships to students who may need assistance with the membership fee. NSLS has allotted 5 scholarships for this purpose for our chapter.

In fall 2021, we will be offering the program to Sophomores, Seniors, and graduate students who have a 3.0+ GPA. In addition to that more general group, the program will also be promoted to first generation students, multicultural students, and Veteran and Military students.

NSLS contact information

Visit the NSLS website to learn more about NSLS, accept a nomination, or contact the NSLS directly.

Metro State National Society of Leadership and Success

Metro State NSLS Chapter Advisors:

Carrie Noble (she/her/hers)
Student Organizations & Activities Coordinator
Student Life and Leadership Development, Metro State University

Philip Fuehrer
Director (Interim) of Student Life and Leadership Development