Programs to provide enhanced retention services to Metro State University undergraduate students who are first-generation, coming from limited income backgrounds, and/or students with a disability.
TRIO Services Applications
2024–2025 Application for TRIO-Student Support Services — Please use this link to apply if you are planning to register for classes during the Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and/or Summer 2025 at Metro State.
2025–2026 Application for TRIO-Student Support Services - Please use this link to apply if you are planning to register for classes during the Fall 2025, Spring 2026, and/or Summer 2026 at Metro State.
Student Support Services
TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) offers structured and enhanced academic support to degree-seeking undergraduate students to stay in college and graduate. TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) are federally funded programs through the U.S. Department of Education. TRIO SSS targets degree-seeking undergraduates, who meet eligibility requirements and the acceptance into the program is based on priorities set up the Department and Metro State University.
Our TRIO Student Support Services programs has established certain priorities for eligible students who are first-generation and students coming from limited income backgrounds. TRIO students are committed to engage with the college experience, need to enhance their academic success, desire to complete their personal, professional, and educational goals.
Metro State has three TRIO Student Support Services Programs
- TRIO Student Support Services (First-Generation college students/PELL eligible students)
- TRIO Student Support Services-CARE (students with disabilities)
- TRIO Student Support Services-STEM (students in STEM majors)
Selection Priorities
- Previously in TRIO Program at another institution (SSS, Upward Bound, EOC)
- New to the college experience or have limited previous college experience (typically 0-15 credit first-year students)
- Returning to college after being away for more than five years
- Students with disabilities
- Students majors in STEM areas of study
Program Services
- Academic Advising and Academic Success Development
- Career Exploration, Development and Readiness
- Community Services and Community Building
- Cultural Events and Activities
- Financial Aid Checkpoint and Financial Literacy
- Graduate School Visits and Preparation
- Leadership Development
- Navigating the College System
- Peer Mentoring
- Peer Tutoring and Study Lab
- Transfer School Transition
- Summer Bridge Course - for first-time students
Travelers EDGE Scholars Program
In partnership with Travelers, EDGE Scholars Program provides a unique, holistic approach to college and career readiness for underrepresented students. Travelers EDGE increases access to higher education and provides students with opportunities to excel. Travelers EDGE scholars benefit from a broad range of services, including scholarships and financial support, career and business mentoring from employees, internships and job shadowing, and professional development workshops. Along with Travelers leadership team, Metro State selects 3-4 new students to become EDGE Scholars and continue support the scholars until they graduate and enter into the workforce. Applications usually open in January/February for the following cohort of EDGE Scholars.
Program Goals:
- Increase the number of underrepresented students attending and succeeding in college.
- Help underrepresented students graduate from college through scholarship support, personal development and advising.
- Build awareness of careers in insurance and financial services by providing a combination of professional development, internship and mentorship opportunities.
Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP)
The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is an initiative funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) which is intended to double the number of African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, Alaska Native and Pacific Islander students receiving baccalaureate degrees in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) in a five-year period.
In Minnesota, the LSAMP program is called the North Star STEM Alliance (NSSA), which is a partnership of fourteen Minnesota colleges and universities and three community organizations committed to supporting underrepresented minority students earning bachelor’s degrees in STEM fields. Eligible Metro State students can participate by completing a application at Applications & Forms | Northstar STEM Alliance
TRIO staff directory
To contact a specific member of Metro State's TRIO team, go to the TRIO Staff section of the directory.