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The Office of Equity and Inclusion works collaboratively with Human Resources to ensure equity and inclusion are central in the implementation of workforce strategies. The university’s commitment to creating an inclusive and diverse workforce is embedded in the following focus areas:

  • Equitable and inclusive search and hiring practices
  • Professional development focused on equity and inclusion practices and competencies
  • Employee retention strategies such as mentorship opportunities and employee resource groups (ERGs)
  • Assessment of campus climate and employee engagement with an equity-lens

Employee Resource Groups

Employee Resource Groups (ERG’s) are a vital part of any thriving workplace. ERG’s allow space for likeminded individuals to find community with each other. Our current ERG’s provide community for those who share different aspects of their identity or share common interests. We want to continue to help folks create those spaces so that people feel seen for their whole selves while working within the Metro State community. Please find a list of current ERG’s at Metro State below:

LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Group

Hello guys, gals, and nonbinary pals. Metro State’s LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Group Meets on the first Thursday of the month from 12–1 p.m. on Zoom. This group is a safe space for queer and trans employees to build community and organize around issues impacting LGBTQIA+ students and staff at Metro State.

Black Equity Convening Group

In June 2020, during the immediate days after George Floyd’s murder in Minneapolis, a group of black faculty and staff began convening to create a space for connection, community, education, and support for one another during an extraordinarily challenging time. Yet, these times are not standing still for any of us, so we continue to convene for community breathing space, sharing, and learning.

Latiné Employee Group

The Latiné Employee Resource group is a dynamic and inclusive community dedicated to empowering and supporting Latinx employees. Our mission is to foster a culture of belonging and advocacy for Latiné individuals within Metro State. We celebrate the rich diversity of Latiné cultures and heritage while promoting collaboration, mentorship, and networking opportunities.

Disability, Chronic Pain, Chronic Illness ERG

Please join us on the first Friday of each month from 1-2 p.m. This ERG is intended as a space for employees to find community with others of similar experiences, and members will spend time checking in, talking about topics of interest such as balancing work and life, using accommodations, and whatever the group needs to discuss. Sometimes doing activities or introducing play into sometimes very packed lives.

Environmentalist ERG

If you identify as an environmentalist in any way, come join others who are actively engaged with climate change, resilience, adaptation, justice, and intersectionality. We will share practical strategies, educational opportunities, resources, and actions but the heart of the group is to be a resource for knowing we are not alone in facing this existential planetary crisis. We will think about how Metro State fits in and enjoy camaraderie.

For more information, please visit Metro State Employee Resource Groups in

Faculty of Color Mentoring Program

group of Metro State faculty stand for a group picture

Equity Champions

Institutionalizing equity in the search and hiring process through specially trained individuals serving on search committees. For more on this particular initiative, visit the Equity Champions page.

College and University Recruitment Events

The CDO office will work with the AVP for Enrollment Management and coordinate joint recruiting for both employees and students at strategic events throughout the plan period.

Recruitment for Individuals with Disabilities

  1. Review of job postings for physical and sensory requirements and follow the Guidelines for Inclusive Job Postings.
  2. Metropolitan State University will review all job postings for physical and sensory requirements and determine if the qualifications for the position are job-related and consistent with business necessity. Additionally, Metropolitan State University will edit language pertaining to physical and sensory requirements and change this language to reflect more inclusive language for job qualifications.
  3. Self-Identification - At the time of application and once a year, Metropolitan State University will communicate to all employees that we will collect summary data related to the number of individuals who have applied for positions and who are in our workforce. We will inform employees that we collect this summary data to make determinations about where we need to improve in terms of recruitment, selection, or retention of individuals with disabilities.
  4. Supported Worker - When Metropolitan State University posts a position, we will review the position for tasks that can be completed by a supported worker. We will work with VRS or the MMB State ADA Coordinator to assist us in our efforts.
  5. 700-Hour Program - Where possible, Metropolitan State University will utilize the 700-hour program which allows it to hire an individual with a disability and provide them training. At the end of this period, Metropolitan State University can hire the individual
  6. Go Accessible! Campaign - Metropolitan State University will distribute marketing material and resources to our staff to remind them to create accessible electronic documents and systems, so that employees with disabilities coming into the workforce can contribute to the workforce and will be able to access similar information and resources as other employees.
  7. Reasonable Accommodation - We will prominently display on our career site that we will provide reasonable accommodation to qualified individuals with a disability who apply for our positions where needed. Once hired, we will educate employees and supervisors and managers on accommodating employees in the workplace. -
  8. Strategic Partnerships - Metropolitan State University will build strategic partnerships with the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) - Vocational Rehabilitation Services (VRS), - State Services for the Blind (SSB), and other state partners to conduct job evaluations and to assist in recruitment or referral of candidates to open positions. Our Metropolitan State University will work to inform VRS or SSB when a position is posted or prior to a posting if possible about the positions. Additionally, we will post positions for at least 7 calendar days to ensure equal opportunity to apply for the position.
  9. Self-Analysis - Metropolitan State University will conduct periodic self-checks to determine if our systems or documents are accessible, the language in our job postings is inclusive, and reasonable accommodations have been provided and staff has been trained on how to provide reasonable accommodations.

Job and Community Fairs

Metropolitan State University sponsors the annual diversity in job networking job fair in November each year. This fair is open to students and alumni of the university. The university also participates annually in the state of Minnesota Veterans job fair. The university encourages all administrators, faculty, and staff to attend job community fairs to encourage members of the communities we serve to consider both educational and employment opportunities at our institution.


Metropolitan State University will conduct a quarterly analysis of the number of individuals with disabilities who have applied for positions and the number of individuals with disabilities hired.

Relationship Building and Outreach

The University encourages all administrators, faculty, and staff to build relationships with community organizations and community members. In addition, funding for administrative support and leadership to accomplish these goals is provided through the Provost's office, Dean of Students, Institute for Community Engagement and Scholarship and the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion/AA office.

Supported Employment (M.S. 43A.191, Subd. 2(d))

Metropolitan State University supports the employment of individuals with disabilities and will review vacant positions to determine if job tasks can be performed by supported employment workers. We will work with community organizations that provide employment services to individuals with disabilities to recruit for these positions.

Additional Recruitment Activities

  • Cinco de Mayo (West St. Paul)
  • Juneteenth celebration (St. Paul)
  • Tribal Community Colleges and Tribal governments (State of Minnesota)
  • Northside Job Fair (Minneapolis)
  • Rice Street Festival (St. Paul)
  • Rondo Days (St. Paul)
  • Selby Jazz Fest (St. Paul)
  • Women in Leadership (St. Paul)
  • Yellow Ribbon and Veterans events (Twin Cities)