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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Lab resources

The Psychology Lab’s resources helps students in many areas of academic studies. Lab equipment can assist students to conduct literature reviews, write papers, generate experiments, collect and analyze data, and create presentations and graphics.


A small library contains psychology textbooks, journals and magazines, and a growing database of articles in all areas of psychology, including memory, sexuality, violence, religion, attractiveness, intelligence, prejudice and bystander apathy.

Graphics programs and hardware

To assist with the creation of presentations, the lab has graphics software, a digital camera, a color scanner and laser and color printers.

How to write with APA style

This guide helps students write an experimental research paper using APA format.

Research equipment

Equipment and programs available include:

  • Sniffy the Virtual Rat: Sniffy may not be a real rat, but acts like one—virtually, of course. This program gives you the opportunity to condition Sniffy as you would a real rat.
  • BIOPAC: Perform 19 different experiments with physiological dependent measures, including GSR (polygraph/lie detector test), ECG, EEG, muscle contraction and heart rhythm.
  • SuperLab Pro: A program of experiments measuring memory, perception, attention and more, as designed by their original researchers. You can also design and run custom experiments.
  • Bassin Anticipation Timer: Your subject must respond as quickly as possible to a light stimulus before it reaching the end of a runway.
  • Auto-Tally Maze: Your subject learns a pattern without a blindfold and then, blindfolded, must remember the maze’s construction.
  • Wiggly Block: The experimenter removes the pieces of the Wiggly Block in a certain pattern and the subject tries to put the block back together.
  • Mirror Tracer: Your subject tires to follow a star pattern when looking into a mirror and without being able to see their hands.
  • Depth perception equipment: A device to measure depth-perception ability by asking a subject to align two rods using one or both eyes.


A number of tutorial CD-ROMs provide demonstrations of concepts in all areas of psychology, including:

  • Psyche: Experiments on personality type, memory and perception, learning and thinking, and behavior in social situations.
  • Psyk.trek 1.2: The history of consciousness, learning, testing and intelligence, motivation and emotion, human development, personality theory, abnormal behavior and therapy, and social psychology.
  • The Graphic Brain: Animations for courses in biological or physiological psychology, neuroscience, neuroanatomy, and psychopharmacology.
  • Exploring Perception: Modules on the physiological bases of perception, perceiving color, depth, brightness and contrast, and psychophysics.
  • PsychSim 4.0: Descriptions, demonstrations and explanations of cognitive development, decision-making, conditioning, emotions, thinking, and statistics. Includes a computer therapist experiment.
  • Abnormal Psychology: Video samples, thought-provoking questions, role playing, and a quiz about abnormal psychology.