College of Business and Management
Why Business and Management?
Looking for a way to bring your organizational aptitude into effective practice? Ready to move into the next generation of leaders? Metro State’s Minnesota-based College of Business and Management stands ready to help you answer important questions regarding how organizations operate, and how they can be led ethically and effectively.
No matter the type of College of Business and Management degree students study for, they gain valuable business skills that will help them across industries.
College of Business and Management Vision Statement:
The College of Business and Management is a catalyst for positive change, a beacon of hope, and an institution promoting lifelong learning where learners become passionate citizens and ethical leaders capable of transforming their communities.
College of Business and Management Mission Statement:
The College of Business and Management at Metro State transforms lives by providing equitable access to a high-quality, affordable business education. With a commitment to inclusion and civic engagement, we engage our diverse learners in acquiring skills and knowledge required to evolve organizations.
The College of Business and Management helps you on your journey to become a better organizational practitioner or manager through high quality instruction and flexible delivery options for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees. Our innovative programs offer you the benefits of attending a large, urban university, while providing the personal touch of a small college setting.

College of Business and Management highlights
- Programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs
- Small average class sizes offer you a highly interactive and personal learning environment
- Courses offered at multiple sites throughout the Twin Cities, in multiple delivery modes, supporting the fast-paced and demanding schedules of today’s business students
- Tremendously diverse student body along racial and ethnic, age, and experience
- Opportunity to join Metro State's Pi-Zeta chapter of the Delta Mu Delta International Honors Society
For College of Business and Management students
College of Business and Management policies
Policies that apply to all students in, and programs of, the university’s College of Business and Management.
International partnership programs
Information on the College of Business and Management’s dual degree programs and institutional relationships with universities in China and Taiwan.
College of Business and Management faculty credentials
College of Business and Management faculty members and degree earned, listed alphabetically by last name.
Retention and graduation
College of Business and Management student retention and graduation information
Course-level success rate
A program-by-program breakdown of the percentage of graded enrollments successfully completed with grades of A, B, C, or P by students in the indicated academic year.
Related job placement rate
The percentage of student in a job related to their acquired major or degree after graduation.
Student exit survey report
Overall student satisfaction based on exit survey on different criteria from Fall of 2020 till Spring 2022.
College of Business and Management external assessment
An assessment of student learning outcomes presented for all of our undergraduate majors using the Peregrine platform.
College of Business and Management assessment
The College of Business and Management is committed to assessing the learning of our students.
Graduate program resources
College of Business and Management graduate program resources