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CBM advising goals

Bubble saying advising Goals with connected speech bubbles that say Successful Transition, Policies & Procedures, Advising Partners, Resources and Services, Degree Plan, Unclusive & Equitable, Degree Planning, Assess Progress, and Workforce Preparation

The CBM Advising Center endeavors to:

  • Assist students in making a successful transition to Metro State and the College of Business and Management.
  • Collaboratively work with students to develop a degree plan for timely graduation.
  • Encourage students to actively take steps to prepare themselves to successfully enter the workforce or advance in their careers.
  • Prompt students to continuously assess their academic progress by providing accurate and relevant information.
  • Engage students in a learning process using degree planning tools in all advising interactions.
  • Work cooperatively with faculty advising partners for an exchange of expertise and resources.
  • Guide students to utilize campus resources and support services.
  • Advocate for students to know and understand university policies and procedures.
  • Engage students by intentionally practicing inclusive and equitable advising.