CBM advising mission, vision, and value statements

Mission statement
Central to the college and university mission statements, the College of Business and Management Advising Center delivers inclusive, equitable, and high-quality academic advising. The college builds supportive student-centered partnerships which provide students with timely and accurate resources, tools, and information. College advising services empower our diverse students to identify and achieve academic and career goals while developing agency and self-advocacy skills.

Vision statement
The College of Business and Management Advising Center aims to create a positive advising experience fostering individual student success and goal attainment. We recognize and acknowledge our students’ unique and diverse backgrounds through an equitable and inclusive advising partnership.

Value statements
Anti-Racist Practices: We seek to incorporate anti-racist practices through conscious self-reflection and self-awareness of how our identities, attitudes, and behaviors impact our interactions with everyone.
Diversity: We value our students’ diversity and their life experiences.
Equity: We recognize, acknowledge, and appreciate our students’ unique perspectives and abilities. We aim to treat all students impartially and respectfully.
Inclusivity: We strive to be inclusive by creating an atmosphere of empathy, active listening, and an openness to our students’ voices.