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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

English for Teaching BS

College of Liberal Arts / Writing, Literature, and Language
Undergraduate major / Bachelor of Science

About The Program

Program accreditation

This program is accredited by the Minnesota Professional Education and Licensing Standards Board (PELSB) to meet the content standards associated with teaching licensure in this subject area.

The BS in English for Teaching major is designed to provide broad knowledge of literacy and communication. Many students will also pursue an additional program of study that leads to a Minnesota teaching license: Communication Arts and Literature (Grades 5-12).

The English for Teaching major includes study in the following disciplines:

  • Writing - the writing process, composition theory, and the ability to write in different genres for a variety of purposes and audiences;
  • Reading - reading theory, the nature of reading comprehension, literary interpretation, and evaluating texts;
  • Literature - the aesthetic dimensions of literary genres and analysis of historical and cultural contexts;
  • Speech communication - verbal and nonverbal speech processes, listening skills, public speaking and interpersonal communication; and
  • Media literacy - print and non-print media, and the effects of various electronic media on the communication process.

Student outcomes

Student learning outcomes for the BS in English for Teaching major are based on the Minnesota Teaching Licensure Examinations (MTLE) content area for Communication Arts and Literature (Grades 5-12).

Students will be able to:

  • Analyze and evaluate visual images in various media.
  • Develop and produce effective media presentations.
  • Develop strategies for increasing vocabulary and improving reading comprehension.
  • Analyze major historical, social, cultural, and/or political aspects of literatures from around the world.
  • Demonstrate strategies for effective speaking.
  • Write well-organized projects which logically develop a central idea, theme, or thesis.
  • Conduct and incorporate effective academic research, using appropriate citations.

Related minors

How to enroll

Current students: Declare this program

Once you’re admitted as an undergraduate student and have met any further admission requirements your chosen program may have, you may declare a major or declare an optional minor.

Future students: Apply now

Apply to Metropolitan State: Start the journey toward your English for Teaching BS now. Learn about the steps to enroll or, if you have questions about what Metropolitan State can offer you, request information, visit campus or chat with an admissions counselor.

Get started on your English for Teaching BS

More ways to earn your degree: Metropolitan State offers the flexibility you need to finish your degree. Through programs at our partner institutions, you can find a path to getting your English for Teaching BS that works best for you.

About your enrollment options

Courses and Requirements


Student licensure

Completing the English for Teaching major is only part of the preparation for teaching this subject area effectively to middle school or high school youth. To earn a Tier 3 Communication Arts and Literature license (grades 5-12) to teach in Minnesota, among other requirements you must also meet state pedagogy standards by completing additional coursework in urban secondary education and student teaching at either the undergraduate or graduate level through the University's Urban Teacher Program in the School of Urban Education.

Please note that the School of Urban Education has the responsibility for recommending students for licensure once they have met all state licensure requirements. For information about Urban Teacher Program admission requirements as well as urban secondary education coursework and student teaching required for licensure, please visit the Secondary Education Licensure page or contact the School of Urban Education at .

English for Teaching BS (37 credits)

+ Prerequisite Courses (these credits do not count toward the major, 9 - 11 credits)
Required course:

Students learn public speaking principles and techniques well enough to prepare, deliver, and evaluate informative and persuasive speeches. Videotaping and self-assessment are integral components of this class as is writing. Some speeches require students to research and critically analyze information. The six to eight class presentations include topics pertaining to the corporate world, community life, the political arena or human services. Students are expected to write well and will outline each presentation. Overlap: COMM 103P Public Speaking Proficiency Test.

Full course description for Public Speaking

Choose one:

This course is the same as WRIT 131 Writing I except that sentence and paragraph structure are covered in more detail. First semester students may take this course instead of WRIT 131. Only three credits may be counted toward the general education writing requirement (the other two credits do not count toward any general education requirement). This course is an introduction to expository writing principles and processes. Students develop skill at analyzing audiences, generating ideas, organizing and developing thoughts, drafting sentences, and revising and handling mechanics. Students write, revise and edit extensively.

Full course description for Writing I Intensive

This course is an introduction to expository writing principles and processes. Students develop skill at analyzing audiences, generating ideas, organizing and developing thoughts, drafting sentences, and revising and handling mechanics. Students write, revise and edit extensively. Prerequisite: Placement in WRIT 131 Writing I or WRIT 132 Written and Visual Communication on the writing assessment offered by Placement Assessment Office.

Full course description for Writing I

This course, which can be taken in place of WRIT 131 Writing I, is an introduction to the theory and practice of written and visual communication. Students read, write, view and produce visual and written texts in a variety of media. Emphasis is on developing writing skills and learning basic concepts of visual communication. Prerequisite: Placement in WRIT 131 Writing I on the diagnostic writing assessment offered by Diagnostic Services.

Full course description for Written and Visual Communication

Choose one:

In this course, students learn strategies to critically analyze a variety of texts and essays; to understand how audience and social/cultural factors shape writing; and to research, evaluate, interpret, paraphrase, quote and summarize texts. Students write and revise several papers and critique the work of other students.

Full course description for Writing II

This course focuses on effective, persuasive communication within and between business organizations, from the perspective of employees and of managers. Students learn to critically analyze communication strategies, organizational cultures and common business texts, such as memos, reports and case studies; they learn to select quality data from primary and secondary sources; and they write and edit letters, memos, reports and studies in situations that simulate the complexities of small companies and global corporations.

Full course description for Business Writing

In this course, students create a variety of documents, including technical memos, manuals, proposals and reports. Emphasis is placed on document design, effective organization and readability. This course especially benefits managers or technical employees who need to communicate technical information to business or general audiences.

Full course description for Technical Writing

+ Foundation Courses: 11 - 15 credits
Choose one:

This course reviews key ideas from Literature 100 and introduces fundamentals of current literary theory. Students solidify their understanding of terms and concepts important to the study of literature; practice techniques of analyzing and interpreting poetry, prose and drama; and learn basic theoretical principles that explain how literary texts can be linked to issues in a culturally diverse community. This course is intended especially for students in the urban education program, but it is open to anyone prepared for upper-division study in literature.

Full course description for Literary Analysis

Intrigued by the study of literature and recent transformations in the field? This core course introduces majors and interested students to the discipline of English studies, its traditions and conventions, and its ongoing dynamic reassessments of content and methods. The course engages with minoritized or emergent literature to question the literary canon as a sedimented literary formation and to understand the dynamics of power that inform canonic exclusion and inclusion. To support our emphasis on literary analysis, we introduce criticism and theory, as well as relevant historical, aesthetic, and social contexts. This essential first course supports student success in the major and beyond.

Full course description for Transforming English Studies

Required course:

This course broadly surveys literature written for young adults by authors from Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) perspectives. We will read and discuss a wide variety of literary and media genres covering important YA topics such as coming of age, friendship, ethnic identities, racialized identities, gender and sexual identities, belonging, sports, violence, and social class. The course is recommended for students who are thinking of becoming English teachers, who are parents, or who are interested in the topics and techniques of writing for young people. Significant focus is given to issues of race and racism.

Full course description for Adolescent Literatures

Choose one:

Primarily for students who have completed their writing requirement, but who seek further writing instruction and practice, this course begins with a brief review of the principles of academic writing. It then engages students in the thinking and writing required in various disciplines throughout the university. Students study and practice summary, explanation, analysis, interpretation and other critical strategies used to write essays, reports, research papers, case studies and other texts. The course also emphasizes understanding how audience, purpose and situation shape writing. Students learn how to use a flexible process of writing and revision to complete assignments, and how to respond constructively to the writing of others.

Full course description for Writing in Your Major

Choose one:

The course introduces students to the study of how language is acquired and learned, concepts and methods of analyzing language, and how the field of linguistics studies regional, racial, and gender differences in language. The course examines how the processes of standardization create approved and dominate versions of languages and non-standard and minoritized varieties and dialects of languages. The course also explores linguistic intolerance and prejudice, raciolinguistics, linguistic hierarchy, implicit bias, and privilege. Significant focus is given to issues of race and racism.

Full course description for The Nature of Language

In this course students undertake language analysis (e.g., phonology, morphology, syntax) in a cultural context, including the relationship between language, culture and thought. It presents an anthropological perspective on various linguistic and cultural systems, with special emphasis on those of Chicano/Latino, African-American, American Indian and Anglo-American peoples. Students are introduced to the implications of linguistic and cultural differences in work and classroom situations. Significant focus is given to issues of race and racism throughout the course.

Full course description for Language and Culture

+ Diverse Literatures: 4 credits
Choose one:

This course takes a critical and historical approach to literature in English by women, looking at the emergence of female literary voices and exploring the contexts in which their works were written. Some sections of the course may focus on particular traditions within the range of literature written by women.

Full course description for Women Writers

Through films, poetry, autobiography, novels, lyrics, and short essays, this intermediate-level survey course explores African-American literature from a historical perspective ranging from the works of enslaved authors to contemporary spoken-word poetry. The course celebrates the historical and aesthetic development of African-American literary arts in the face of (often legalized) racial oppression. Students learn techniques and theories for critical reading to explore literary issues related to culture, race, and social history. Significant focus is given to issues of race and racism in this literature course.

Full course description for African-American Literature

This course explores the literature by African-American women writers from the 18th century to the present, analyzing their depictions of racism, sexism, and classism as artistic, moral, and civic responses to inequality. Students learn techniques for critical reading and literary analysis at the upper-division humanities level to understand how these creative works explore issues related to the legacies of slavery and Jim Crow laws, and the influence these writers had on cultural events, such as anti-lynching journalism, the Harlem Renaissance, the Civil Rights Era, and the Women's Liberation Movement.

Full course description for Black Women Writers

Students in this course examine literature, film, and expository articles to investigate ways that people of color represent their experiences as immigrants to the U.S. Throughout the course we analyze how various texts present the main themes, perspectives, and socio-cultural contexts of contemporary immigration, which has historically been shaped by racialized discourses and racist gatekeeping practices. We also interrogate how the concerns articulated by immigrants of color intersect with broader social categories such as race, gender, sexuality, age, religion, and citizenship status. Through lectures, discussions, compositions, and small-group activities, students will critically examine the complexities of acculturation and the creativity it takes to balance one's cultural heritage with life in another country as a racialized ethnic minority.

Full course description for Literature by Immigrants of Color

This course will explore the ways Asian American novels, short stories, poetry and film represent, elaborate and challenge how we understand Asian American experience as is it informed by race, gender, sexuality and age. Focusing on major texts of Asian American literature from the early 20th century to the present, we will discuss how and why the study of Asian American literature emerged from its historical exclusion from the U.S literary canon, and how this exclusion is tied to structural racism in the academy, a major institution in U.S. cultural gatekeeping. We will also discuss how the study of Asian American literature benefits from understanding broader historical and political issues relevant to the Asian American experience. To this end, we will read and discuss relevant primary texts and secondary criticism on topics such as (but not limited to), law, citizenship, labor, imperialism, war, anti-Asian racism, comparative racialization, queer identities and activism to deepen…

Full course description for Asian American Literature

The course surveys a variety of Indigenous oral and written narrative expressions (for example, bilingual texts and pictographic texts) from different regions, including Dakota, Anishinaabe, Ho-Chunk, and Potawatomi communities, as well as a possible inclusion of First Nations and Métis narratives. Students will explore themes and concepts central to Indigenous individuals, groups, and communities with a culturally-,historically-, and futuristically-informed analytical approach to literary study. Significant focus is given to issues of race and racism.

Full course description for Native American Oral and Written Narratives

Students in this course examine literature, film, and expository articles to investigate ways that people of color represent their experiences as immigrants to the U.S. Throughout the course we analyze how various texts present the main themes, perspectives, and socio-cultural contexts of contemporary immigration, which has historically been shaped by racialized discourses and racist gatekeeping practices. We also interrogate how the concerns articulated by immigrants of color intersect with broader social categories such as race, gender, sexuality, age, religion, and citizenship status. Through lectures, discussions, compositions, and small-group activities, students will critically examine the complexities of acculturation and the creativity it takes to balance one's cultural heritage with life in another country as a racialized ethnic minority.

Full course description for Literature by Immigrants of Color

This course examines significant works of Latinx literature written in the U.S., focusing on the diversity of the Latinx literary expression. Students will explore relevant sociopolitical contexts and how literature provides insight into the commonalities and differences of the experiences of Latin American diasporas in the US. Topics that may be studied in relation to literary production, include but are not limited to identity (e.g. mestizaje, Afro-Latino/a/x), race, indigeneity, gender, sexuality, as well as borderlands, citizenship, migration, and multilingualism. Emphasis will be on U.S. based literature, but may include some comparative analysis with literary texts across the Americas and the Caribbean. Significant emphasis on race and racism.

Full course description for Latinx Literature of the U.S.

This course examines world literatures from regions (e.g. Latin and Central America, Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Caribbean) previously described as "Third World." Students analyze literatures that emerge from, reflect, and respond to geopolitical phenomena that have produced the "Global South," namely colonization, globalization, slavery, indigenous dispossession, and displacement that continue to inform global North-South relations. In addition, students explore how literatures of the Global South offer creative responses and resistances to the violent imperialisms of the Global North and represent transformative Global South identities, movements, and solidarities. All required reading will be in English. Geographic emphasis of literature will vary by semester.

Full course description for Literature of the Global South

This course surveys how works of American literature and film assert, create, examine, reinforce, privilege, and/or question the construction of racialized and gendered narratives surrounding identity. Students discuss ways that fiction, drama, poetry, popular music, and film engage with the issues of race, racism, and gender. In addition, students will learn and apply key concepts and theories of race and gender (for example, the masculine gaze, the white gaze, queer theories, critical race theory, postcolonial theories) with a critical emphasis on intersectionality in course discussions. Students will make new discoveries about familiar works from the narrative arts; understand the complex legacies of racist and sexist tropes underlying the conventions of popular genres (e.g., the western, the buddy movie, Sci-Fi, the great American novel, the American musical, and so on); and consider personal and collective responses to racism and sexism (e.g., personal viewing habits, social…

Full course description for Gender and Race in Literature and Film

This course examines contemporary literatures by African and African diasporic writers. Students will identify and compare the diversity of African and African diasporic literatures to critique and challenge monolithic understandings of Africa and the African diaspora. As students deepen their understanding of the construction of ¿Africa¿ and the African diaspora, we will distinguish the various ways these literatures reflect and innovate traditional narrative practices and Western literary forms. Finally, students will apply relevant socio-political and literary scholarship about literatures from the continent and the diaspora to literary analysis. Topics that may be studied in relation to literary production include but are not limited to, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, language, nationalism, anti-colonial resistance, decolonization, and globalization. All texts will be in English or English translation.

Full course description for African and African Diasporic Literatures

This course examines Asian and Asian diasporic literatures written in or translated to English. Students will analyze how these literatures have contributed to and transformed the study of English in a global frame. Students will investigate how Asian and Asian diasporic literature emerges from specific cultural, historical, national, global and American multiethnic contexts and demonstrate how ¿Asia¿ is itself a distortion of a broad region, largely produced from a western imperial imagination. Topics that may be studied in relation to literary production, include but are not limited to, gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, language, immigration, global migrant labor, citizenship, imperialism, as well as Asian indigenous histories. All texts will be in English or English translation.

Full course description for Asian and Asian Diasporic Literatures

+ Classic Literatures: 8 credits
Choose two:

This course surveys illustrative works from the beginnings of European settlement to 1870, introducing students to the study of that literature and sharpening critical reading skills. Emphasis is on the development of literary technique and on the cultural context of literary works. Readings may include religious and political documents, Native American tales and orations, exploration and captivity narratives, slave narratives, journals, novels, plays, and poems.

Full course description for American Literature: Beginnings-1870

This course surveys illustrative works from 1870 to the present, introducing students to the study of that literature and sharpening critical reading skills. Emphasis is on the development of literary technique and on the cultural context of literary works. Topics covered include the rise of modernism, its impact on a diverse population and various responses to modern culture, as well as changing perceptions of religion, race, gender, environment, the future, the self and the community. Students are introduced to a range of contemporary critical approaches to literature.

Full course description for American Literature: 1870-Present

+ Communication: 3 - 4 credits
Choose one:

Students learn the characteristics and process of interpersonal communication including perception, speech and language, nonverbal behaviors, listening and feedback, conflict and conflict resolution, the ethics of interpersonal communication, relationship development and maintenance. The ability to recognize cultural similarities and differences is emphasized, as is the ability to recognize one's own communicative biases and behaviors. Evaluation is based, in part, on the ability to recognize characteristics of interpersonal communication and apply verbal and nonverbal interpersonal strategies in a wide variety of social and work situations. Overlap: Comm 232 Interpersonal Communication Theory Seminar.

Full course description for Introduction to Interpersonal Communication

This introductory course explores definitions of intercultural communication, traditional spheres of influence that shapes intercultural encounters globally and locally, and skills that can assist students to improve intercultural communication. Students experience intercultural communication situations and episodes in class and in the community. Skill building for interculturally sensitive communication in a variety of settings including work, family, and daily encounters are discussed and analyzed. Current events involving the Twin Cities and greater Minnesota are explored for students' responses and recommendations for improved communication strategies.

Full course description for Introduction to Intercultural Communication

This course takes an academic and practical approach to embodied intercultural communication in a globalized world. By understanding the scholarly theories of intercultural communication, students will investigate how to have ethical, appropriate, effective, and mindful intercultural interactions. Through multiple methods of learning, students will gain invaluable practice in navigating intercultural relationships in a variety of interactions (e.g. workplace; family;community, etc.). Significant focus is given to issues of race and racism, particularly as they relate to different communication interactions.

Full course description for Intermediate Intercultural Communication

This course covers theory and practice of communication in small task-oriented groups. Communication topics include team management, models of group problem solving and decision making, leadership, building cohesiveness, resolving conflict, managing diverse views, negotiating roles, and norms. Students learn to interact productively in small task groups as members and leaders. Numerous group activities, group assignments and laboratory work require an extended class time and group meetings outside of class. Overlap: COMM 351T Communication in Work Groups Theory Seminar.

Full course description for Communication in Work Groups

+ Electives: 8 credits

Choose any two, four-credit upper-division courses in Literature, Humanities, Linguistics, or Writing.

+ Final Capstone: 1 credit

This one-credit course allows students the opportunity to reflect upon their past content coursework in the BS in English for Teaching major. Having completed often  disparate courses in literatures, linguistics, writing and communications, students at the end of their degree program will identify and expand on foundational, integrated themes that have emerged. Attention will be paid to the future of the English for Teaching student, the link between coursework and potential teaching careers, and consideration for the practical and theoretical applications of this knowledge into the world beyond the university.    

Full course description for Reflective Capstone