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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Liberal Arts BA

College of Liberal Arts
Undergraduate major / Bachelor of Arts

About The Program

The Liberal Arts Major (LAM) provides an opportunity for students to pursue an individualized major within the College of Liberal Arts. Through this interdisciplinary, liberal arts program, students customize their degree based on individual interests and educational goals.

The liberal arts major consists of at least 33 upper-division credits for which the student can articulate a rationale of coherence in writing. With the support of an advisor, students will select 32 credits of interdisciplinary work for the core of their LAM program. In addition, students in their final semester will complete a LAM Mentorship, a 1-credit Student Designed Independent Study (SDIS) with a member of the CLA faculty.

Successful LAM majors propose a coherent program with significant advanced-level work that demonstrates mastery of the chosen subject. LAM proposals should not closely resemble an existing degree program within the college. Usually, all LAM credits are in courses offered by the College of Liberal Arts; however, with approval, as many as 8 credits in disciplines outside the college may be included. At least half of the LAM credits must be earned at Metropolitan State University.

Student outcomes

  • Research Skills: students will be able to effectively locate scholarly and/or creative materials and evaluate, critically and comparatively, their relevance, scope, and credibility.
  • Analytical Skills: students will be able to synthesize ideas derived from research with creative and original insights to produce coherent and persuasive treatments of liberal arts issues.
  • Communication Skills: students will be able to present a coherent and persuasive argument or expression with clearly organized development and significant conclusions according to the rhetoric of the disciplines involved.
  • Individual Goals: students will be able to develop and articulate an individualized, interdisciplinary liberal arts theme.

Related minors

How to enroll

Current students: Declare this program

Once you’re admitted as an undergraduate student and have met any further admission requirements your chosen program may have, you may declare a major or declare an optional minor.

Future students: Apply now

Apply to Metropolitan State: Start the journey toward your Liberal Arts BA now. Learn about the steps to enroll or, if you have questions about what Metropolitan State can offer you, request information, visit campus or chat with an admissions counselor.

Get started on your Liberal Arts BA

Program eligibility requirements

Get approved early! Avoid complications to your graduation planning by submitting your Liberal Arts Major (LAM) proposal in a timely manner. The LAM offers a rolling application process. For 2024-2025, proposal due dates are September 11, October 9, November 13, December 4, January 15, February 12, March 12, and April 9. The LAM Faculty Review Committee typically will respond to proposals within two weeks after the proposal due date.

Students interested in the LAM must first work with an advisor to choose your courses from different Liberal Arts areas and complete your customized plan.

Please contact your advisor to discuss your plan of study. All LAM proposals consist of three parts:

  1. LAM Rationale of Coherence Essay (1000-2000 words)
    • Identifies the focus of the interdisciplinary Liberal Arts Major
    • Specifies how this program of study will contribute to the student's future goals
    • Describes how each of the courses included in the student's course list contributes to the overall learning/goal(s)
  2. LAM Course List (at least 33 upper-division credits)
    • Includes at least 32 upper-division semester credits (3xx-, 4xx-, or 5xx-level courses)
    • Includes a 1-credit LAM Mentorship Student-Designed Independent Study (SDIS)
    • At least half of the credits in the course list must be earned at Metropolitan State
    • No more than 8 semester credits of the total coursework can be in non-CLA courses or disciplines
    • No D grades are acceptable in any LAM
  3. LAM Checklist
    • Includes student tech ID
    • Includes advisor's name
    • Is signed and dated

Please see the frequently-asked questions: . Students are encouraged to apply to the LAM before they have earned 80 credits or at least one semester before they intend to graduate. Students submitting their LAM proposal after this may find their graduation delayed.

Students must submit their proposals to the LAM Director and may do so by email or in-person. Proposals not meeting minimum guidelines will be immediately returned to students. Typically, within two weeks of each proposal deadline, the LAM Faculty Review Committee will evaluate student proposals and either approve them or return them with suggestions for revision. Students often will work on several drafts of their proposals in order to create the best plan of study to fit their goals. Students quoting materials from the university's course catalog or individual faculty syllabi in their Rationale of Coherence Essay must provide an appropriate source citation. Students can find resources to help them meet the university's academic integrity policies and procedures here. Each LAM proposal will be scored on a rubric and must demonstrate appropriate communication skills, writing skills, and research skills. Students may request a copy of this rubric from their advisor.

Courses and Requirements


All LAMs must include at least 33 upper-division credits.

Students admitted to the LAM program must adhere to their own LAM course list approved by the LAM Faculty Review Committee.

If changes to an approved LAM program are necessary, up to 8 credits of the LAM may be amended with an advisor's permission. Changing more than 8 credits decertifies the LAM, and it must then be resubmitted for review by the LAM Faculty Review Committee.

All LAM students must complete a 1-credit LAM Mentorship in their final semester.

To become a Liberal Arts Major (LAM), students must have an approved program of study. You will be listed as a Pre-Liberal Arts Major until your LAM proposal is approved. Please see below for further information regarding the application and approval process.


+ Approved upper - division credits (32 credits)
+ LAM Mentorship Student designed independent study (1 credit)