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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Internship requirements - Natural Sciences

An internship is a structured off-campus experience in which a student acquires and applies knowledge and skills while working in a responsible role within a community organization, business, nonprofit or government agency. Students choose to do internships for a variety of reasons including an interest in gaining practical skills and knowledge, exploring career opportunities, and making connections for employment opportunities and recommendations.

Internships in the Natural Sciences are available in Biology (BIOL350I), Chemistry and Biochemistry (CHEM350I) and Environmental Sciences (ESCI 350I).

Internships in the natural sciences are available to students who have been admitted to Metropolitan State University and are eligible to register for upper division courses in the associated natural sciences major.  

Internships in the Natural Sciences can earn maximum of 4 credits.

Internship in the Natural Sciences are graded pass/fail (S/NC).

Note that the Natural Sciences Department currently permits up to 4 credits of Internship (350I) to be used as elective credit within each of the natural sciences majors, subject to advisor approval.

University requirements and guidelines

  • A student must intern a minimum of 40 hours for each semester credit earned.
  • Internships must be approved in advance by the the appropriate faculty internship liaison of the Natural Sciences Department (including work scope and site supervisor, based on resume noted below). Approval of internships requires completion of the Academic Internship Agreement (AIA) Form. Credit will not be granted on a retroactive basis.
  • Once the AIA has been approved by the Natural Sciences Department, the Dean of the College of Sciences, and the Career Center, the student will be able to register for the Internship.
  • The AIA should be correctly completed 30 days before the University’s deadline for registration for alternative learning strategies for the semester of the proposed internship activity, to allow time for processing.  This date can be found on the Academic Calendar each semester.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of, and adhere to, any financial aid, graduation, or other deadlines that might affect their registration.

Natural Sciences department requirements and guidelines 

Details for the Academic Internship Agreement (AIA):

Internship title must accurately reflect the internship activity. The title must start with the word “Internship” and include the subject, main activity, and/or the location or hosting organization.

Note that the student’s transcript shows only about 25 characters, including spaces, for a course title. Thus, BIOL350I Internship Como Zoological Garden Avian Bird Care might show on transcript as: Intern Como Zoo Bird Care.

The Academic focus of an internship must be science in same category as the internship: biology (BIOL), chemistry or biochemistry (CHEM) or environmental science (ESCI) .

The academic focus of a chemistry internship, for example, might be on the synthesis of sustainable polymers, conducting biochemical assays, or conducting analytical experiments using instrumentation. The academic focus of a biology internship might be, for example, on the care of zoo animals, field or lab work with a biological research project at another institution, or working with persons with a particular medical issue. The academic focus of an environmental science internship might be, for example, on exotic species removal, habitat restoration, aquatic invasive species control, or field or lab work with an environmental research project at an agency or other institution.

The Faculty Liaison serves as the Internship Evaluator.

Competence Statement will vary but must follow guidelines found in the university’s internship website.

Learning strategies may include:

  1. Experiential learning at a level appropriate for an upper division science undergraduate;
  2. Keeping of a work journal, worklog or lab record;
  3. Self-directed reading and study of the natural science related to the internship experience;
  4. Research and writing of a final paper describing the internship experience and demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the relevant science subjects.
  5. Preparing and delivering a presentation describing the internship experience and demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the relevant science subjects.

Evaluation may be based on:

  1. A work log or journal that recording the dates, times, and internship activities and a brief reflection on the experience.
  2. A written or oral communication of evaluation from the site supervisor to the faculty liaison;  
  3. A final paper describing what was done and what was learned during the internship including practical knowledge gained from the experience, the relevant science, and reflection on the experience.
  4. An exit interview with the faculty liaison/internship evaluator. This may take the form of a short Powerpoint presentation to an appropriate science class at Metropolitan State.