- What is it?
Zoom sessions use audio and video to allow the tutor and student to discuss the assignment in real time.
Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.
Writing tutors can help you at any stage of your writing process. In-person tutorials, Zoom sessions, Written Feedback sessions, and drop-in tutoring through our Research and Writing Help services provide constructive and collaborative feedback to help you make progress on your assignments and become more confident writers.
Zoom sessions use audio and video to allow the tutor and student to discuss the assignment in real time.
Zoom sessions are conversational. Students can use screen-sharing to share their documents and make changes in real-time. Tutors provide guidance, questions, suggestions and resources to help writers overcome challenges in their writing.
Login to WCOnline and book a tutorial on Schedule 01 Writing. Select “Zoom Session” in the tutorial type box. Optionally, attach your assignment and assignment instructions before saving.
Zoom sessions require a device with a stable internet connection, a working microphone, and optionally, a working camera.
Have your assignment, assignment instructions, and any readings or resources you’re using to write open when you begin your session on Zoom.
Written Feedback tutorials are appointment-based but allow tutors to provide comments on a draft without the writer being present for the tutorial.
Students “drop off” their paper by attaching it to their appointment. Tutors tutors provide summary and marginal comments, and return their feedback via email.
Login to WCOnline and select Schedule 01 Writing. Select an available slot to book an appointment. Select “Written Feedback” in the tutorial type box. Attach a Word document of your draft and assignment instructions before saving.
Feedback is returned within about an hour of the tutorial start time.
A version of your Word document with your feedback will be emailed automatically to your Metro email address. The same document is also attached to your tutorial and can be retrieved by selecting the appointment, then selecting the file labeled “Feedback for [Student]”.
Research and Writing Help is a drop-in writing and research support service on Zoom for short questions and structured independent work.
Join Research and Writing Help or stop by the Library reference desk on campus. If you have issues joining, email tutoring@metrostate.edu.
Students can join Research and Writing Help anytime the service is available, no appointment needed. Tutors and librarians can help tutors for brief one-on-one sessions with any kind of writing or research issue.
Zoom sessions require a device with a stable internet connection, a working microphone, and optionally, a working camera.