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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Alternative Text Format

Metropolitan State University offers alternative text formats for individuals that have a qualifying disability.  This is an accommodation that students will discuss with Center for Accessibility Resources (CAR) staff during their welcome interview, if appropriate.

Alternative Text Format (ATF) is print material that is converted into a format that is more compatible to a student's limitations in order to provide equitable access to information. Due to limitations in resources and/or technology, it may not be possible to convert all print material into the most preferred format for access.

Examples of ATF include:

  • digital materials (most often accessed with a screen reader or other assistive technology)
  • audio
  • braille
  • large print

Students who cannot access print materials can request their textbooks and other printed classroom materials (syllabi, handouts, Power Points, etc.) be converted to an alternative format. This accommodation is set up during your welcome interview with a staff member of CAR.

Prior to the first use of this accommodation, schedule a time to meet with Ezra Kesler to discuss your software options and training on how to use your alternate format materials.

Request your books before classes start

  • View your schedule
  • If book information is available, email with information on the books you're requesting, include:
    • Course and section 
    • Book title, author, publisher, copyright date and ISBN
    • Provide verification that you have a copy of requested books
    • Digital files cannot be given to you until CAR receives this verification
    • Provide a receipt of purchase/rent or a copy/picture of the title page of the book
  • If no books are listed for your course(s), let us know so that we can follow-up with your instructor
  • CAR will notify you when we have all of the digital files for your classes ready to be distributed. You may come in to the office to pick them up on a flash drive or have them delivered via Google Docs.

Suggestions for making sure you get your ATF books on time include:

  • submitting your book requests before the semester begins
  • providing a receipt of purchase or copy of the book's title page with your book request

We aim to have books ready for all students at the beginning of the semester, but conversion requests can take up to six weeks to complete.