Board member
- Responsible for understanding and implementing the Board's mission and supporting the University's strategic plans.
- Responsible for attending all Alumni Board meetings in accordance with applicable policy.
- Responsible for participating on a minimum of one committee designed to assist the Board in carrying out the annual work plan.
- Responsible for representing Metropolitan State University to other alumni, students and the community at large.
- Responsible for providing input on evaluating the activities, projects and actions of the Board.
- Provide financial support to Venture Fund.
Committee chair
- Responsible for identifying and submitting possible projects for committee implementation that is consistent with the Alumni Board's mission.
- Prepare agendas and sets meeting schedules for committee meetings and maintain communications with members of the committee.
- Provides leadership for approved committee projects.
- Responsible for monitoring activities of the committee so those projects are completed.
- Reports committee status to the Board.
- Prepares recommendations for the fiscal budget.
Executive board
- Responsible to serve as chairperson of the scheduled Alumni Board meetings.
- Assists in the development of work plans and objectives consistent with the mission of the Board and supporting the University's strategic plan.
- Provides leadership for the Board directors and represents the Alumni at events, when serving on ad hoc committees and as a member of the Foundation Board.
- Prepares agendas for Alumni Board meetings and presides over Executive Board meetings.
- Assists in creating and maintaining the vision of the Board.
- Seeks out opportunities to represent the University and its' mission.
- Serves as an ex-officio member of all Board committees.
- Signs and delivers documents made in the name of the Association, except when that authority has been delegated to another director or agent of the University.
Vice president
- Assist the President in the development of work plans and objectives consistent with the mission of the Board.
- Responsible for attending all Executive Board and Alumni Board meetings.
- Plans and presides over new member orientation meeting.
- Serves as chairperson of the Membership Committee.
- Assigns Board members to at least one Association Board committee.
- Presides over Board meetings in the President's absence.
- Performs other duties as assigned by the President or the Board.
- Serves as chairperson of the Finance Committee and oversees the budget process.
- Submits budget report at each Board meeting and at the Annual meeting.
- Develops budget plan for the following year.
- Responsible for the Association fiscal records will participate in the annual audit, as requested.
- Signs checks and contracts as assigned by the Board.
- Responsible for attending all Executive Board and Alumni Board meetings.
- Performs other duties as assigned by the President or the Board.
- Records attendance and maintains official records of all Board business activities.
- Records and submits for publication the minutes of each scheduled Alumni Board meeting.
- Responsible for Board files and correspondence.
- Responsible for attending all Executive Board and Alumni Board meetings.
- Performs other duties as assigned by the President or the Board.