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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Board roles and responsibilities

Board member

Lead Strategically

  • Devote time to support the mission, vision, and values of the university
  • Ensure strategic planning/thinking
  • Monitor and evaluate outcomes, impact, and performance

Be an ambassador

  • Recruit alumni to engage with the university through volunteer service, philanthropy, and advocacy
  • Be an active advocate for Metro State to other alumni, students, and your personal and professional connections
  • Partner with the university staff to enhance the student experience through recruitment, informational job interviews, networking, and mentoring
  • Promote and protect the interests of the alumni association through social media and other means

Ensure Financial Stability

  • Provide financial support to the Metro Fund; rank Metro State as one of your top three philanthropic choices while serving on the board
  • Promote giving to Metro State among alumni, friends of the university and personal networks

Promote Healthy Governance

  • Attend all Alumni Board and assigned committee meetings
  • Review meeting materials in advance and be prepared to discuss agenda items
  • Actively participate in at least one standing or ad-hoc committee to assist the board in carrying out the annual work plan
  • Ensure understanding and compliance with all governing documents (articles, bylaws, policies) 
  • Become familiar with strategic plan and annual goals

Committee chair responsibilities and expectations 

(in addition to those noted above)

  • Submit projects to the committee for implementation consistent with the Alumni Board’s purpose and university needs.
  • Provide leadership on approved committee projects. Prepare agendas for committee meetings
  • Maintain communication with members of the committee
  • Report committee status to the Board
  • Regularly engage committee members and mentor new committee members

Board Officers


A member of the board of directors of the board of directors and an officer of the executive committee, the lead advocate for advancing the Alumni Association’s mission and goals, directly collaborating with the Director of Alumni Relations. Normally succeeds to the position of past president.

Term: 1 year renewable

Committee Assignment: Chair of the Executive Committee

  • Consult on the annual budget
  • Prepare president messages for publications
  • Work directly with the Director of Alumni Relations, participate in regular meetings with the Director of Alumni Relations, and maintain a professional partnership with advancement and university staff
  • Ensure each committee has a chairperson
  • Collaborate with the executive committee and alumni relations director to prepare the board agenda
  • Preside at all board meetings 
  • Lead board strategic planning process
  • Serve as a nonvoting representative on the Foundation Board of Trustees, attend Foundation Executive Committee and Board meetings to inform of Alumni Board activities, maintain close relationship with Foundation Board Chair and pursue collaboration between boards
  • Mentor vice president
  • Provide oversight of board matters and committee functions

Vice president

A member of the board of directors and an officer on the executive committee, directly collaborating with the president. Normally succeeds to the position of the president.

Term: 1-year renewable

Committee assignment: As assigned by the president.

  • Prepare to perform the duties of the president in the absence of the president
  • Take minutes and prepares report from executive committee meetings
  • Present annual budget to the board
  • Prepare for the president role transition
  • Liaison to committees upon request of the president
  • Participate in meetings with the Director of Alumni Relations as requested by the president.

Engagement Officer

A member of the board and an officer on the executive committee, directly collaborating with the president. Plays a primary role in communication in conjunction with the board president.

Term: One year renewable

Committee assignment: Chair of committee as assigned by the president

  • Advise on alumni communication strategies and lead intra-board communications
  • Establish communication processes and protocols
  • Create content for board member communications
  • Promote board member engagement in board and university activities

Immediate Past President

A member of the board of directors and an officer on the executive committee, directly collaborating with the president and alumni relations director. 

Term: One year 

Committee assignment: As assigned by the board president 

  • Provide advice and counsel to assure continuity in the governance
  • Act as a liaison between the board and past presidents
  • Execute special assignments from the president
  • Serve as an ambassador to represent the board as requested