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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

External conferences

SoTL conferences

Kennesaw State Center for Teaching Excellence in Teaching and Learning also maintains one of the most comprehensive directories of teaching conferences and their sponsoring organizations. Upcoming conferences are listed chronologically. Click on the links to visit the home page for the conference or its sponsoring organization. Each conference listing also includes links to similar conferences based on Discipline or Topic in Higher Education. This directory is sortable by City, State or Province, Country, Discipline, and Topic in Higher Education.

General SoTL conferences

International Society for Exploring Teaching and Learning Conference

"ISETL encourages college and university faculty and practitioners from all disciplines to develop, study, and apply learner-centered principles of teaching, learning, and assessment in innovative, yet effective and practical ways."

International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference

"The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL) serves faculty members, staff, and students who care about teaching and learning as serious intellectual work. The goal of the Society is to foster inquiry and disseminate findings of what improves and articulates post-secondary learning and teaching."

POD Network Conference

"Each year the POD Network sponsors an annual conference that attracts both experienced and novice practitioners in the fields of faculty, instructional, and organizational development. The conference also appeals to administrators, faculty, teaching assistant developers, graduate students, publishers for the above audiences, and members of many higher education organizations."

New England Faculty Development Consortium Conference

"Since its inception, the Consortium has sponsored a number of initiatives. Each year there is an annual conference featuring workshops, networking opportunities, and a keynote presentation. In addition, there is usually a spring conference on topics more generally of interest to faculty development specialists."

Lilly International Conference 

"The International Lilly Conference on College Teaching is one of the nation's most renowned conferences presenting the scholarship of teaching and learning. For over thirty years, teacher-scholars from across the U.S. and internationally have gathered annually the weekend before Thanksgiving to share innovative pedagogies and discuss questions, challenges, and insights about teaching and learning."

Niagara University Conference on Teaching and Learning

"Educators from across the United States and Canada who can contribute their experience and expertise with active and integrative learning, in its many varieties, and discuss how it is best encouraged and assessed, are invited to submit proposals for presentations and panels focusing on their efforts to promote learning within individual courses, curricula or programs."

Team-Based Learning Conference 

"The Team-Based Learning Collaborative (TBLC) is a group of educators dedicated to supporting faculty from a variety of disciplines who wish to implement team-based learning."

Association for Core Texts and Courses Conference

"ACTC Conferences may be the most stimulating conference you attend all year - at least that is what repeated surveys of conference attendees tell us. What makes ACTC conferences so intellectually satisfying? Perhaps it is because ACTC really is an interdisciplinary organization. Humanists, artists, social scientists, and scientists, sharing a common concern with excellent liberal education, meet together on panels to discuss ideas, texts, pedagogy, and administration of core text programs."

National Conference on Undergraduate Research

"The National Conferences on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), established in 1987, is dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity in all fields of study by sponsoring an annual conference for students. Unlike meetings of academic professional organizations, this gathering of young scholars welcomes presenters from all institutions of higher learning and from all corners of the academic curriculum. Through this annual conference, NCUR creates a unique environment for the celebration and promotion of undergraduate student achievement, provides models of exemplary research and scholarship, and helps to improve the state of undergraduate education."

The Teaching Professor Conference

The Teaching Professor Conference is an exploration of the art and science of good teaching. Join colleagues from campuses nationwide to discover and discuss the latest tools and techniques for the job you love.

International Consortium for Educational Development

"ICED, The International Consortium for Educational Development, was established to promote educational or academic development in higher education worldwide. ICED is a network whose members are themselves national organizations or networks concerned with promoting good practice in higher education. The ICED Council is formed by Presidents, or their representatives, of a country's academic staff development network(s)."

OBTC: Teaching Conference for Management Educators

"How can we sustain our enthusiasm for teaching when we are bombarded with potential constraints or obstacles? Often the concept of sustainability goes unrecognized and untapped, due to our own oversight or lack of deep thinking. In this conference, we encourage participants to engage in an ongoing dialogue that has the potential to allow each of us to exchange new ideas, approaches, awareness, and practices to enhance our lives and our work."

Disciplinary conferences

Society for the Teaching of Psychology conference
Science Education for New Civic Engagement and Responsibilities (SENCER) Institutes

Other conferences

AAC&U conferences and meetings
EDUCAUSE conferences
Lilly conference
Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education conferences