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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Parking Enforcement

Violations of state statutes, Minnesota State, and Metro State University parking policies and procedures are enforced by the Parking Office and Campus Security officers through issuing of citations.
Standard violations and fine amounts:
  • Parking Limit Exceeded ($30 Fine): Violation issued for parking beyond the visibly posted time limit.
  • Reserved Parking-Permit Required ($30 Fine): Violation issued for not displaying a Metro State hang tag in designated parking areas. Employees using surface lots and parking at off-site campus locations are required to display a Metro State hang tag as proof of paying for parking. The hang tag is also used for reserved accessibility parking spaces for students and employees. Center for Accessibility Resources issues hang tags for students and Building Services (Parking) issues hang tags to employees.
  • Over White Line or End of Row ($25 Fine): Violation issued for being at a minimum of one or more tires being a full tire width over the white line designating parking spaces. Violation also issued when a vehicle is clearly into the white line and white hash marks that designate the end of a row in the parking ramp. End of row violations should only be issued for end caps along the inner parking space rows. These end caps ensure emergency vehicles can make the turn and to ensure vehicles parking at the end of a row do not get hit by vehicles that take the turn too sharply.
  • Parked in Roadway/Obstructing Traffic ($30 Fine): Violation issued when a vehicle is obviously not pulled fully into a designated parking space or is parked in a non-designated area—resulting in a portion of the vehicle being far enough out into a traffic lane to hinder free flow of traffic or have the potential of being hit by oncoming vehicles there by causing serious safety issues or parked in a non-designated area that will clearly block the free flow of traffic or cause serious safety concerns.
  • Illegal Entry/Exit ($50 Fine): Violation issued when a vehicle enters or exits by “ghosting” or following a vehicle so closely as to not have to draw a ticket and pay or to avoid using an ID or parking in Metro State-owned or leased surface lot/s without paying for parking. This would also include driving through and breaking the control arms in the parking ramp.
  • Reckless Driving Creating Unsafe Conditions ($100.00 Fine): Violation issued when a vehicle obviously drives over the posted 10mph speed limit or a vehicle is driving so recklessly that it causes a serious safety issue for pedestrians, and/or potential damage to university property or private property i.e. privately-owned vehicles.
  • Accessibility Parking Violation (up to a $200 Fine): Violation issued when a vehicle does not display the proper state-issued hang tag or license plate in accordance with MN Statute 169.346 Disability Parking Areas; Criteria, Enforcement.
  • Other Illegal Parking (Fine varies, generally not more than $30): Violation generally issued for motorcycle parking space violations (a vehicle other than a motorcycle using this designated space). This violation could also be issued for parking in a fire lane.
If you feel a citation was issued in error or not in accordance with State statutes, Minn State, and Metropolitan State University parking policies and procedures, you may file an appeal. You may also file an appeal if you are experiencing extenuating circumstances that need to be considered, such as, but not limited to, language barriers or financial constraints. For more information on parking citation appeals, go to the citation appeals page. If you want to appeal directly through the Team Dynamix system, go to Appeal a parking citation.