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Internship requirements - College of Business and Management

Individual internship guidelines

Note: Students doing these internships must also complete the College of Business and Management Internship Form and submit it along with the Academic Internship Agreement form or the application will not be processed.

Types of internships

An internship can be used to achieve the following types of competences:

  • in a business area for which there is a parallel CBM course
  • in a business area in which there is no parallel CBM course
  • an elective, not to be counted toward fulfilling major requirements

Minimum internship content requirements

  • At least 160 hours per four semester credits (for undergraduate level) or at least 80 hours per two semester credits (for graduate level) of on-site experience at the internship site and/or involvement in the internship project.
  • Independent, self-directed, self-originated reading or study on major theories relevant to the competence title, appropriate to the level of learning (lower-division or upper-division: see note below).
  • Independent, self-directed, self-originated work which combines practical application with theoretical components.

An internship must contain all three components in order to be approved. 

Note on determining appropriate level work:

Sometimes the subject matter is inherently lower or upper division. However, in general, lower-division work is typically at the introductory or beginning level; upper-division work is typically at the intermediate or advanced level; and graduate work is typically at the managerial level. For example, the following competence statement would not be approved:

  • Organization Management 6XXXX, MBA course "Knows and can apply the theory of organizations at the introductory level." 

In this case, the word "introductory" should be changed to "managerial." The bibliography, theoretical work and evaluation must reflect the difference.

Other guidelines


  • If the internship is a competence for which a parallel CBM course exists, the student must demonstrate that knowledge gained from the internship experience will be at least equivalent to that of taking the course. This may involve a pre- or post-test covering the necessary areas of the topic. The testing, if necessary, will be conducted by the appropriate CBM curriculum unit.
  • If the internship is a competence for which no parallel CBM course exists, the student must demonstrate knowledge of the major theoretical components of the topic. It is the responsibility of the appropriate CBM curriculum unit to ensure this criterion is met.
  • If the internship is a competence for which a parallel CBM course exists, the student must have taken the prerequisites, when appropriate, or receive CBM Curriculum Coordinator consent. 2
  • The student's internship must fulfill any requirements and/or guidelines set by the appropriate CBM curriculum unit or the CBM faculty liaison.
  • Students may not receive credit for more than two internships at the same site.
  • Students may not use more than two internships as electives towards a major in the College of Business and Management. Internships in excess of two can be counted towards graduation or towards fulfillment of nonmajor requirements.


  • Students must complete the Academic Internship Agreement (AIA) form online or as an electronic attachment and additional CBM form, including sign-off by the CBM internship liaison, before the start of the internship fieldwork. The Career Center staff will get this signature--this is not the responsibility of the student. Contact the Career Center at or call 651.793.1285. No application will be considered for work already begun or completed.
  • In order for an internship to be approved, the student must submit the CBM additional form, which includes a bibliography of readings, along with the Academic Internship Agreement. Students needing assistance with their bibliography and/or completing this additional form can consult the on-site evaluator or the appropriate CBM faculty liaison.
  • The student cannot be related, by marriage or otherwise, to either the on-site supervisor/evaluator or the Metropolitan State faculty liaison.
  • A student can do up to two internships at a site. However, there must be new, college-level learning and an approved Academic Internship Agreement for each four semester (undergraduate) or two semester (graduate) credits. The contact hours must increase appropriately (320 for eight undergraduate semester credits; 160 for four graduate semester credits). In addition, the student must fulfill the reading/study component for each internship, using a different body of literature for each; and complete item B1 for each competence.


  • All internships will be graded S/N (Satisfactory/No Credit) letter grades.
  • Evaluation of the student?s learning must include a written component. Example, the student may write a research paper as part of the internship, write a summary describing how the internship experience met the stated competence requirement, or take a written test. The form of the written evaluation should be discussed between the student, site supervisor and faculty liaison before approval. However, evaluation of learning cannot consist of only site performance evaluation.
  • Evaluation of the on-site work component of the internship will be done by both the on-site supervisor and a Metropolitan State CBM faculty (community or resident) unless otherwise stated by the appropriate CBM faculty liaison.
  • The faculty liaison, in the appropriate CBM curriculum unit, is responsible for evaluating the academic or theoretical portion of the competence. The implementation of this policy may vary by curriculum unit; for example, some curriculum unit coordinators may require a curriculum unit review of the written component prior to the evaluator signing the Learning Evaluation (LE) form.
  • Evaluation of the student?s learning must include a log of readings and an annotated bibliography which must be submitted to the Metropolitan State CBM faculty liaison. 3 6. The student will not receive academic credit until these deliverables are reviewed and approved by the CBM faculty liaison.

Examples of acceptable CBM internships

  • An internship could involve a "real or organization based" project from the student's employment site or volunteer involvement.
  • An internship could involve other students in a group project.
  • An internship could continue to further phases of a total project and result in more than one competence. For example, implementation of a business plan might result in an internship in Project Implementation. Evaluation of the results, following chronologically from the implementation phase, might result in an internship in Project Evaluation. The body of literature in the two areas are distinct.
  • An internship in International Business: Environment and Operations might consist of the following: Perform necessary analysis and prepare a business plan for a small business to begin exporting in the EEC. Prepare a written or oral presentation for company officers and Metropolitan State faculty. Student would also demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the basic elements of international business.

Note: Just performing work, having regular work performance reviews, reading training manuals or company personnel manuals will not be adequate to receive college-level credit for an internship.

Important note: The Academic Internship Agreement (AIA) form found on the Internships page must be submitted and approved before you begin your internship. You will not be registered for the internship until you have received email approval notification from the Career Center. Students must be registered within the semester of the Academic Internship Agreement approval date or they may be required to reapply for the internship. Check current class schedule in eServices for last day to register for the semester.