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About The Program

The College of Management offers a business administration minor to students interested in supplementing their degrees with core business courses. This minor requires courses in each of the functional business areas including management, marketing, accounting and finance. In addition, the courses in the minor incorporate legal, ethical, global and multicultural perspectives. Students completing the minor requirements will have the minor designated on their transcripts.

This program can be completed on campus, online, or by combining on campus and online courses. Program requirements are the same, regardless of the delivery mode.

How to enroll

Current students: Declare this program

Once you’re admitted as an undergraduate student and have met any further admission requirements your chosen program may have, you may declare a major or declare an optional minor.

Future students: Apply now

Apply to Metropolitan State: Start the journey toward your Business Administration Minor now. Learn about the steps to enroll or, if you have questions about what Metropolitan State can offer you, request information, visit campus or chat with an admissions counselor.

Get started on your Business Administration Minor

Program eligibility requirements

The Business Administration minor is not available to students already pursuing a College of Business and Management major. Students must earn a grade of S or C- or above in courses to be used to meet prerequisites.

Courses and Requirements


Business Administration Minor Residency Requirement: At least 16 credits from among the Minor Required Courses and Minor Elective(s) must be completed at Metropolitan State. See also the CBM policies page for requirements that are common to all programs.


This course develops the fundamental concepts of algebra with an emphasis on the classification and analysis of linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions. Applications to the natural and social sciences are given throughout. It aims to provide insights into the nature and utility of mathematics, and helps students develop mathematical reasoning skills.

Full course description for College Algebra

This course focuses on the interactions between the consumer and the producer. It begins with the theory of markets, supply and demand, and the price system. Then it covers demand elasticity, the costs of production including the various factor inputs, the four major market structures (pure competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly and monopoly), and ways to increase the competition in markets.

Full course description for Microeconomics

This course covers the basic principles and methods of statistics. It emphasizes techniques and applications in real-world problem solving and decision making. Topics include frequency distributions, measures of location and variation, probability, sampling, design of experiments, sampling distributions, interval estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression.

Full course description for Statistics I

Requirements (20 credits)

This course in financial accounting acquaints students with the "language of business" and the concepts and practices of accounting in order to understand, interpret, and analyze the financial accounting reports of economic entities. Topics include: economic context of accounting; introduction to basic financial statements with emphasis on the statement of cash flows; measurement fundamentals; analysis of financial statements; cash; receivables; inventories; investments in equity and debt securities including Consolidations; long-lived assets; current and long-term liabilities; stockholders' equity; and time value of money concepts and computations for decision making: international accounting practices are incorporated into every topic. This is not a bookkeeping course.

Full course description for Financial Accounting

This course introduces the application to financial decision-making of mathematics, statistics, economic theory, and accounting procedures. The two central ideas are time value of money and the relationship between expected return and risk, and how these ideas are used to value bonds, stocks, and other financial securities, and to make capital investment decisions.

Full course description for Principles of Finance

This course surveys factors that marketing managers take into account when creating a marketing plan, including consumer behavior principles, market segmentation, product life cycle, packaging, branding, pricing, advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, product distribution methods and key laws affecting marketing practices. The course takes a practical approach to explaining how to identify marketing objectives and determine strategies for reaching them. It is useful to general business students, students who plan marketing management or marketing communications careers and those who wish to be better informed consumers. This course is also offered online. Prerequisite: Goal 1 writing requirement plus 30 credits must be satisfied.

Full course description for Marketing Principles

+ Electives (4 credits)

Choose 4 upper division credits (300-500 level) from the following disciplines: Accounting, Business Law, Decision Sciences, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Human Resource Management, International Business, Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Risk Management and Insurance, or Philosophy 320: Business Ethics. Some Major Electives may overlap with your minor and GELS requirements. Entrepreneurship 300: Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Business for non-business majors is not a Business Elective.