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Academic Forgiveness

Academic forgiveness is for students who are ready for academic success, but prior poor academic performance has prevented this success.  If you think you could benefit from this forgiveness program, read the eligibility requirements of this one-time opportunity to establish a new undergraduate cumulative GPA.

Application and Eligibility Requirements

If you would like to apply for academic forgiveness, it is your responsibility to review the following eligibility requirements.  If you meet all requirements, then submit the Academic Forgiveness Application found on the Registrars Office Form Finder.

  1. You have been separated from Metro State University for at least six (6) consecutive semesters, including summer semesters
  2. You experienced academic challenges affecting your grade point average prior to separation
  3. You were readmitted through the regular readmission process
  4. You consulted your academic advisor
  5. You demonstrated academic success after readmission by successfully completing at least six (6) undergraduate credits within two semesters after readmission and earning a minimum average GPA of 2.75 for those 6 credits.

Academic Forgiveness Impact to Records
In compliance with Minnstate Procedure 2.9.1, Subpart B., Academic Amnesty, Metro State course grades earned prior to academic forgiveness will remain visible on your transcript but will not be included in the calculation of your cumulative GPA for the purposes of Satisfactory Academic Progress and minimum graduation requirements.

  1. Academic forgiveness has the possibility of improving your grade point average and course completion rate which is used to determine Academic Standing and your achievement of the minimum grade point average required for graduation.
  2. Due to federal financial aid regulations, academic forgiveness cannot impact financial aid eligibility
  3. Academic forgiveness does not relieve minimum grade requirements of specific academic programs, such as majors.