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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Erica Berte

  • Associate Professor


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Business Administration
    University of Sao Paulo
  • Master of Science, Business Administration
    Federal University of Santa Catarina

Recent and upcoming courses

Spring 2025

Summer 2025


Journal Publications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications:

  1. Evan, R.J., Berte, E., Li, J., & Culbreth, D. (under review). Student’s Perceptions of Culturally Relevant Teaching Practices (CRTP). Journal of Business Education.
  2. Dividino, V.; Cahen, F. & Berte, E. (2024) Decentralization of Multinational R&D in Emerging Markets: Increasing Autonomy and Strategic Role in Global Innovation. R and D Management.
  3. Malarski, J & Berte, E. (2023) Shaping Future Business Leaders through Responsible Management Education: A Model of RME Implementation. Journal of Education for Business.
  4. Cahen, F., Berte, E & Keels, Kay. (2023); “Stayfilm: From a Brazilian Digital Start-Up to a Global scaleup”. Case Research Journal, 43 (2). (With teaching note).
  5. Zinnoury, V., Berte, E & Parsa, H.G. (2022) "Social Innovation for Latin America: The Case of Eco Cookstoves". Case Research Journal, 42 (4). (With teaching note).
  6. Narapareddy, V & Berte, E. (2019). Entrepreneurship in a Non-profit Healthcare Organization. Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, Vol. 2, Issue: 2, pp. 123-132. (With teaching note).
  7. Berte, E.; Narapareddy, V. (2018) "Building a Culture of Innovation in a Health Care Organization". Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, Vol. 1, Issue: 4, pp. 330-348. (With teaching note).
  8. Berte, E.; Narapareddy, V.; Reed, M.; & Keels, K. (2018). "Crafting a teaching case study: ideation to publication". The CASE Journal, Vol. 14, Issue: 2, pp. 232-248,
  9. Jones, K J.; Wills, K & Berte, E. (2017). A Study of MBA Students' Perceptions toward Business Leadership Pedagogy. Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 18 (Winter). 325 -334.
  10. Berte, E., Williams, D. & Narapareddy, V. (2017). The Lean Biz Game: Fostering an Entrepreneurial Mindset. Experiential Entrepreneurship Exercises Journal, 2 (Special Issue), 6-11.
  11. Berte, E. & Jones, K. (2014). The Field Trip as an Experiential Teaching Strategy to Promote Reflective Learning. Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 15 (Spring), 1-17.
  12. Berte, E. & Vujovich, C. (2014). Balancing Stakeholder Interests and Corporate Values: A Cummins Strategic Decision. Case Research Journal, 34 (3), 139-153. Distributed by Harvard Business School Publishing. Case #: NA0308. (With teaching note).
  13. Berte, E. & Hittler, J. (2013). LHP Inc.: challenging the organizational structure and culture to grow. Journal of Applied Case Research, 11(1), 61-70. (With teaching note).
  14. Ratiu, C., Lvina, E. & Berte, E.. (2011). Matchmaking and the multinational enterprise: how individual motivation and international strategy interact to affect expatriate adjustment. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 11(2/3/4), 274-288.
  15. Berte, E. (2010). The impact of individualism and collectivism on firm's internal capabilities and external networks. International Journal of Global Management Studies, 2(1), 36-52.
  16. Berte, E., Martinho, I. R A., & Rodrigues L. (2010). The lessons learned from the unique characteristics of small technology-based firms. International Management Review, 6(1), 62-70.
  17. Berte, E., & Neely, L. (2009). Shifting technology from the Universities to a high-performance business. Revista de Administração da UFSM (Federal University of Santa Maria Journal of Management), 2(3), 513-525.
  18. Berte, E., Martinho, I. R A., & Rodrigues L. (2008). A formulação de estratégias para as pequenas empresas de base tecnológica (The strategy formulation of technology-based start-up firms). Revista de Administração da UFSM (Federal University of Santa Maria Journal of Management), 1(1), 116-135.
  19. Berte, E. & Martinho, I. R. A (2007). Contribuições ao processo de formulação de estratégias em pequenas empresas de base tecnológica – PEBTS (Contributions to the Strategy Formulation Process of Technology-Based Start-up Firms-TBSF). Revista de Estudos de Administração (Business Studies Journal), UNIJUÍ, Porto Alegre, Brazil, 1(1), 37-64.
  20. Sbragia, R. & Pereira[1], Erica C. O. (2004). Determinantes de êxito de empresas tecnológicas de base universitária: um estudo de casos multiplos (The determinants of success in university technology-based incubated firms: a study of multiple cases at CIETEC/USP). Revista de Economia e Administração (Business and Economics Journal), IBMEC, 3(4), 339-350.
  21. Pereira, Erica C. O., & Sakamoto, F (2002). Uma nova visão da controladoria para a gestão de custos (A new controllership vision for cost management).Revista Alcance (Alcance Journal) 9(4), 21-27.
  22. Pereira, Erica C. O., Piske, F., Oliveira, G. P. de, Santos, J.U. dos, Nardelli, R. & Piccoli, W. Jr. (2001). Engenharia Simultânea: um estudo de caso em uma empresa têxtil (Simultaneous engineering: a case study in a textile company). Produção Online (Operations Journal), 1, 1, 33-40.
  23. Pereira, Erica C. O., & Erdmann, R.H (1998). Do planejamento do controle da produção a produção controlada por computador: a evolução do gerenciamento da produção (From the Production Planning and Control to the Computer Integrated Manufacturing: the operation management evolution). Revista Teoria e Evidência Econômica (Economic Theory and Evidence Journal), 5(10), 141-155.

[1] Pereira was my last name before being married.

Textbook Chapter

Williams, D.; Culbreth, D. & Berte, E. (2024). Ch.58 (Sect. 6) Black Women’s Alliance: Creating Pathways to Prosperity and Agency. In Harvey, C.; Allard, J. & Kegley (2023) Understanding and Managing Diversity (7 ed.). Pearson Education.

Berte, Erica (2021). Skill Builder A-1 – Career Planning. Appendix: Career Management and Networking. In Lussier, R. N. (2021) Management Fundamentals: Concepts and Applications. (9 ed., 360- 362). Sage.