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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Nursing Prelicensure BSN

College of Nursing and Health Sciences / Nursing
Undergraduate major / Bachelor of Science

About The Program

The Metro State University Prelicensure Bachelor of Science in Nursing program is a four-year undergraduate program that prepares graduates to provide holistic, person-centered care to individuals, families, and communities from diverse backgrounds. This Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program is based on a set of core competencies that graduates learn, through a variety of clinical experiences, to adapt to changing healthcare needs and advance health equity through interdisciplinary collaboration, civic engagement, self-care and life-long learning. Graduates of the program are eligible to take the national licensure exam (NCLEX-RN ®) and practice as a professional nurse

Student outcomes

Students in the Prelicensure BSN program learn to:

  1. Utilize the nursing process to practice compassionate, holistic person-centered care with historically marginalized individuals, families, communities, and populations grounded in theoretical and evidence-based knowledge from the arts, sciences, and nursing.
  2. Demonstrate skills in leadership, professionalism, interprofessional collaboration, scholarship, and information and healthcare technologies to enhance quality nursing care, improve health outcomes, and address health inequities among diverse populations.
  3. Demonstrate professional nursing identity through reflection, self-awareness, moral agency, self-care, service to the profession, and lifelong learning.
  4. Evaluate best available evidence to support interprofessional teamwork, communication and provide safe, quality, and equitable nursing care to diverse populations within complex systems.
  5. Integrate knowledge of economic, social, regulatory, and policy issues to advocate for the needs of diverse populations and address structural racism and systematic inequity within systems.

Notice to students regarding possible impact of criminal records

If an applicant has been arrested, charged, or convicted of any criminal offense, he or she should investigate the impact that the charge or conviction may have on his or her chances of employment or licensure as a registered nurse (Minnesota Statute 135A.157).

How to enroll

Current students: Declare this program

Once you’re admitted as an undergraduate student and have met any further admission requirements your chosen program may have, you may declare a major or declare an optional minor.

Future students: Apply now

Apply to Metropolitan State: Start the journey toward your Nursing Prelicensure BSN now. Learn about the steps to enroll or, if you have questions about what Metropolitan State can offer you, request information, visit campus or chat with an admissions counselor.

Get started on your Nursing Prelicensure BSN

Program eligibility requirements

To be eligible for acceptance to the Prelicensure BSN major, students must complete/submit the following:

  1. General admission to Metropolitan State University, which requires submission of official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended;
  2. Completion of the nine prerequisites (“first and second semester curriculum” listed on the Courses and Requirements Tab) with a 2.75 minimum GPA (WRIT 131, PSYC 100, MNTC GOAL AREA 3 SCIENCE, METRO 101 or MNTC GOAL AREA 6 COURSE, BIOL 221, BIOL 225, PSYC 311, MNTC GOAL AREA 1 INTERMEDIATE WRITING COURSE, WRIT 330);
  3. Establish a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.75, calculated from all official transcripts.
  4. Most current available version of the ATI TEAS Exam is required with minimum score of 58.7—students can find more information about it at TEAS Exam | Metropolitan State University (;
  5. Submission of the online Metropolitan State University Prelicensure BSN Application, the 2026 application will be available beginning April 2025;
  6. “Third semester classes” Pre-program requirements (listed on the Courses and Requirements Tab) must be completed prior to program start (BIOL 222, PHIL 321, COMM 372, NURS 220, HSCI 201).
  7. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.75 in both the first, second, and third semester prerequisite courses listed in the Prelicensure BSN Program course sequence to maintain eligibility for admission. Official transcripts will be used to calculate the GPA, and the most recent grades will be used. Each individual course must have at least a C grade. Applicants must also have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 to apply. Each individual course must have at least a C grade and the most recent grades will be used.

Spring 2026 application cycle

Online applications will be available beginning April 2025. The application deadline is August 22, 2025.

Application Information Packet

Applicants should review program applicant polices .

Courses and Requirements


Pre-practicum requirements

All students must meet all pre-practicum requirements prior to starting in the program and to maintain such requirements throughout the program. Information must be submitted to the Department of Nursing which may include, but is not limited to the items listed on the pre-practicum requirements page.

Student licensure

Graduates are eligible to take the NCLEX-RN® licensure examination and are eligible for registration as a Public Health Nurse in the state of Minnesota after becoming licensed as a registered nurse in the state.

*Please see Course Sequence Document for most current curricular information.


Prerequisite courses must be completed at an accredited university or college before the application deadline. Prerequisite courses must have an earned grade of C or above.

+ Pre - application Requirements (Must be completed before application deadline)

The application prerequisite courses are WRIT 131; PSYC 100; MnTC Goal Area 3 chemistry with lab (CHEM 105 recommended); METRO 101 or MnTC Goal Area 6 course; BIOL 221 (with lab); BIOL 225 (with lab); PSYC 311; MnTC Goal Area 1 Intermediate Writing course, WRIT 330. Similar or equivalent courses may also be considered.

This course is an introduction to expository writing principles and processes. Students develop skill at analyzing audiences, generating ideas, organizing and developing thoughts, drafting sentences, and revising and handling mechanics. Students write, revise and edit extensively. Prerequisite: Placement in WRIT 131 Writing I or WRIT 132 Written and Visual Communication on the writing assessment offered by Placement Assessment Office.

Full course description for Writing I

A one-term course designed for non-majors providing an overview of general, organic, and biochemistry with an emphasis on applications of chemistry of the human body. Topics include solutions and body fluids; acid-base chemistry; atomic/molecular structure and bonding; gases; structure, properties, and reactivity of organic molecules and functional groups; overview of the structure and function of biological molecules including carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids; overview of metabolic processes related to carbohydrate and fat metabolism; enzymes. Lecture 3 credits; lab 1 credit.

Full course description for Survey of General, Organic, and Biochemistry

Students relatively new to university education or those returning to college after a number of years often find the transition difficult. This course is designed to introduce students to Metropolitan State and its academic programs and services. It also helps students self-assess their abilities and gain knowledge in important reading and writing skills, public speaking, listening skills, study skills, and critical thinking. The course provides a firm foundation for all university learning that follows. It is required of all newly-admitted students with less than 16 semester credits. Students with fewer than 30 semester credits, or students who have been away from college for some time, are also strongly encouraged to enroll.

Full course description for Your Academic Journey

Detailed study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body with special emphasis on the relationship between structure and function. Includes the following topics: introduction to anatomy and physiology, tissues, integument system, skeletal system, articulations, muscular system, nervous system, special senses, and endocrine system. Intended for students in nursing and other allied health sciences; does not count towards Biology major requirements; is not a general education science course. Formerly HBIO 201.

Full course description for Human Anatomy and Physiology I

The study of microorganisms covering the basic principles of growth, metabolism, and genetics; the relationships between microbes and humans in health care; microbes that cause disease and their control; pathogenicity, epidemiology, and immunology; and related topics such as microscopy, aseptic technique, and diagnostic testing. Intended for students in nursing and other allied health sciences; does not count towards Biology major requirements; is not a general education science course. Intended for students in nursing and other allied health sciences; does not count towards Biology major requirements; is not a general education science course. Formerly HBIO 205.

Full course description for Basic Microbiology

Students in many academic and professional contexts are asked to cite sources according to APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines as they write and conduct research. This course will provide an introduction to APA documentation methods and give students opportunities to practice creating and revising APA narrative citations, parenthetical citations, and reference lists. Students will also explore the elements of an APA-formatted manuscript and practice organizing APA documents.

Full course description for APA Documentation Basics

+ Pre - program Requirements (Must be completed prior to nursing program start)

Detailed study of the anatomy and physiology of the human body with special emphasis on the relationship between structure and function. Includes the following topics: cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, nonspecific defense and immunity, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, fluid/electrolyte and acid/base balance, and reproductive system. Intended for students in nursing and other allied health sciences; does not count towards Biology major requirements; is not a general education science course. Formerly HBIO 202.

Full course description for Human Anatomy and Physiology II

Is it ever right to try to hasten a patient's death? Should people ever be given medical treatment against their will? How should we decide who will get access to scarce medical resources (like organ transplants)? Do people have a right to get the care they need, even if they can't pay for it? This course will use ethical theories and theories of justice to explore these questions and others like them. It is intended to be helpful not only to (present or future) health care practitioners, but also to anyone who wants to think about these issues, which confront us in our roles as patients and as citizens whose voices can contribute to the shaping of health care policies.

Full course description for Medical Ethics

This course is designed to provide an understanding of the health care industry and the theory and practice of face to face and mediated forms of communication by health care administrators, managers, providers, and patients. Students will analyze both common and best practices in health care campaigns, training, public relations, patient satisfaction, patient advocacy, administration, media covering health issues, and public education. Significant focus is given to issues of race and racism, and how social constructions of race and racism affect perspectives and create disparities in health care access, communication, and outcomes experienced by different populations.

Full course description for Health Communication

This course focuses on the roles and responsibilities of the professional nurse as part of the healthcare team providing care to diverse populations. Students will be introduced to therapeutic, person-centered communication skills used by the nurse, team dynamics, roles, and functioning using the healthcare team as an exemplar. Students will examine principles of holism, evidence-based nursing practice, clinical judgement, quality and safety in nursing care. Strategies for successful academic progress in nursing will be explored.

Full course description for Introduction to the Profession of Nursing

+ Required

This course explores the unique history and underpinnings of professional nursing through a holistic lens. Building on pre-requisite courses, students are introduced to the principles of quality and safety, communication, clinical judgment and ethical, compassionate, person-centered care for diverse populations within a holistic nursing theoretical framework. Students will have opportunities for reflection, self-awareness, and evidence-based decision-making to initiate an individual professional identity as a baccalaureate prepared nurse.

Full course description for Foundations of Professional Nursing

This course introduces the nursing student to frameworks for pathophysiology and pharmacology. Pathophysiology is defined as a disordered physiologic state; therefore, students will learn to differentiate between normal physiology and select pathophysiologic conditions. Students will learn about risk factors, principles of underlying pathology, and clinical manifestations of select pathophysiologic conditions. Pharmacology focuses on pharmacotherapeutics and principles of safe medication management. Students will learn about drug development and regulation, major drug classifications with prototype drug, therapeutic actions and indications, mechanism of action, contraindications and precautions, adverse effects, clinically important drug-drug and drug-food interactions and nursing implications for safe medication management.

Full course description for Introduction to Pathophysiology and Pharmacology for Nursing

This clinical and lab course introduces students to beginning holistic nursing assessment and intervention skills foundational to the delivery of safe, evidence-based, and person-centered nursing care for diverse clients in a variety of care settings. Students will begin to demonstrate nursing clinical judgment, psychomotor skills, and use of patient care technologies.

Full course description for Skill Foundation I

This course introduces nursing students to the holistic nursing care of diverse clients and families facing psychiatric- mental health challenges. The history of psychiatric-mental health nursing care and the impact of stigma, inequity, structural racism, and social determinants of health on the mental health of individuals are explored. Students are introduced to the evidence-based delivery of care to address psychiatric disorders in a variety of healthcare settings, including the community. The impact of health policy, culture, and legalities is studied in relationship to the provision of ethical and holistic psychiatric nursing care. The role of the psychiatric nurse as a member of the interdisciplinary team is investigated as students learn to utilize sound clinical judgment to promote and maintain the mental health of clients, families, and communities. This course is part of a competency-based nursing curriculum leading to the baccalaureate of science degree in nursing.

Full course description for Introduction to Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing

This course covers the basic principles and methods of statistics. It emphasizes techniques and applications in real-world problem solving and decision making. Topics include frequency distributions, measures of location and variation, probability, sampling, design of experiments, sampling distributions, interval estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression.

Full course description for Statistics I

This course explores the principles of holistic, compassionate, person-centered nursing care of adults throughout the continuum of care. Management of alterations of health and wellness focused on medical and surgical issues for a wide range of individuals and populations will be emphasized utilizing principles of evidence-based practice, theory and holism. Students are introduced to the body of knowledge that guides nursing clinical judgement and decision making.

Full course description for Medical Surgical Nursing of the Adult

This clinical and lab course builds on the knowledge, skills and abilities from Skills Foundation I. The course focuses on the application of holistic theories and frameworks to guide nursing care of clients with alterations in mental and physical health. Students will utilize clinical judgment to provide holistic, evidence-based nursing care in the learning lab and select clinical settings across the healthcare continuum.

Full course description for Skill Foundations II

Introduction to Nursing Theory explores the historical knowledge and theoretical foundations of professional holistic nursing. Conceptual models, theoretical frameworks, and patterns of knowing (ethical, aesthetic, empirical, and personal) are examined to determine how they can be used to inform evidence-based nursing practice. Select theories and frameworks are analyzed and applied to the study of nursing care for a wider range of individuals and populations.

Full course description for Introduction to Nursing Theory

This course focuses on issues related to the provision of holistic nursing care to the aging population. Emphasis is placed on health promotion, chronicity and cultural aspects of aging. Additional focus is on end-of-life care and ethical dilemmas related to the aged population. Current theories of aging are examined. Competence Statement: Knows theories of aging and concepts of health promotion, illness prevention, chronicity, culture and end-of-life well enough to identify the specialized care needs for aging clients.

Full course description for Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Palliative Care of Older Adults

This clinical and lab course is a continuation of Skill Foundations II focusing on holistic nursing assessment and intervention skills foundational to the delivery of safe, high-quality, equitable, and person- and family-centered nursing care for diverse clients in a variety of care settings. Students will demonstrate mastery of the nursing clinical judgment, psychomotor skills, and patient care technologies related to care of pediatric and perinatal clients.

Full course description for Skill Foundations III

This course explores evidence based, holistic, person and family centered nursing care of mothers, newborns, and birthing families. Emphasis will be placed on health promotion, illness prevention and management of alterations of health and wellness in a variety of healthcare settings. The role of the professional nurse as a member of the interdisciplinary team is investigated as students learn to utilize clinical judgment to promote and maintain the health of perinatal population. This course is part of a competency based nursing curriculum leading to the baccalaureate of science degree in nursing.

Full course description for Perinatal Nursing Care

This course explores evidence based, holistic, person and family centered nursing care of children and their families. Emphasis will be placed on health promotion, illness prevention, and management of alterations of health and wellness in a variety of healthcare settings. The role of the professional nurse as a member of the interdisciplinary team is investigated as students learn to utilize clinical judgment to promote and maintain the health of children and their families. This course is part of a competency based nursing curriculum leading to the baccalaureate of science degree in nursing.

Full course description for Nursing Care of Children

This course focuses on the synthesis of content of pathophysiology, pharmacology, and evidence-based nursing care of adults throughout the continuum of care. Management of complex alterations of health and wellness which may involve more than one body system will be emphasized. Students are introduced to urgent and emergent pathophysiologic conditions and the evidence based holistic nursing clinical judgement needed in rapidly changing health states. This course is part of a competency based nursing curriculum leading to the baccalaureate of science degree in nursing.

Full course description for Pathophysiology, Pharmacology, and Medical Surgical Nursing Care Adult II

This clinical and lab course builds on the knowledge, skills and abilities from Skill Foundations I, II, and III courses. This course is the second in a series of two in the prelicensure BSN program associated with Medical Surgical Nursing and focuses on the increasingly complex adult client including those that are critically ill. The course focuses on the application of holistic theories and frameworks to guide nursing care of clients with alterations in physical health. Students will integrate clinical judgment when providing holistic, evidence based nursing care in the learning lab, simulation, and complex clinical settings.

Full course description for Skill Foundations IV

This course expounds on the history, theory, and practice of population based public health nursing. A holistic public health nursing framework that supports the three levels of public health nursing practice is introduced. A socio ecological health determinants model is utilized for the assessment of risk and protective factors across the lifespan to determine health status and health inequities. Epidemiological, environmental health and intersectionality theory are explored to analyze current and emerging population health concerns across the lifespan. Cultural humility, social justice, advocacy, and health disparities are threaded throughout the course. Health information technology used in public health nursing is explored. This course meets the theory requirements for BSN graduates to apply for licensure as a Public Health Nurse in the state of Minnesota. This course is part of a competency based nursing curriculum leading to the baccalaureate of science degree in nursing.

Full course description for Public Health Nursing

This course provides students with the opportunity to apply public health nursing theory in a variety of community settings. Students work in teams to complete a focused community assessment project. Students also engage with local public health agencies and with other community organizations to provide public health nursing services to targeted populations across the lifespan. The course prepares students with entry-level skills for creating, managing, and evaluating outreach efforts for diverse populations. This course meets the practicum requirements for BSN graduates to apply for registration as a Public Health Nurse in the state of Minnesota. This course is part of a competency based nursing curriculum leading to the baccalaureate of science degree in nursing.

Full course description for Public Health Nursing Practicum

This course examines global health issues that influence population health outcomes, including the interaction between domestic and global health. Students study frameworks such as vital statistics, Millennium Development Goals, and human rights principles and apply these frameworks to the definition, prevention, or mitigation of identified global health issues or concerns with particular attention given to the health of infants, children, and women in low and middle income countries. The course concludes with a study of cooperative efforts designed to mitigate or prevent global health problems.

Full course description for Global Health Issues

This course engages the student with principles of system level nursing practice which supports quality care and promotes health equity for individuals and populations from diverse backgrounds. Students will engage in self reflection and analysis to promote leadership skill identification and development necessary for professional identity and professional nursing practice. This course is part of a competency-based nursing curriculum leading to the baccalaureate of science degree in nursing.

Full course description for Leadership for Professional Nursing Practice

In this seminar course, students continue to develop the skills and understanding necessary to transition from student nurse to baccalaureate prepared professional nurse. Students will engage in lessons, complex case studies, group work, class presentations and other activities designed to synthesize theories, principles, and concepts from nursing and related disciplines to support clinical judgment and holistic nursing care directed toward equitable, holistic health and healing. Emphasis will be placed on reflection and critical thinking to promote scholarship, personal growth and professional identity.

Full course description for Capstone Seminar

The foundation of transition to practice is the successful completion of the NCLEX exam. This course will orient the student to the structure, purpose, and process of the NCLEX exam; and the process of obtaining RN licensure. Students will complete a standardized NCLEX predictor exam and use the results as a foundation for a self care and learning plan. This course is part of a competency-based nursing curriculum leading to the baccalaureate of science degree in nursing.

Full course description for Preparation for Licensure

This lab and precepted clinical course is designed to facilitate successful transition to the role of the professional nurse. Simulation will be completed prior to the beginning of the precepted practicum experience to prepare students for an intensive practice immersion provided at a designated clinical site. Students will be supported by the collaborative efforts of an experienced nurse as preceptor and assigned course faculty member in achieving course learning objectives and program outcomes. Students will work with their assigned faculty member to demonstrate evidenced-based practice and leadership skills.

Full course description for Skill Foundations V Preceptorship

*MnTC Goal Area 5 - Sociology, Anthropology, or Ethnic Studies course.