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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

General Requirements

All CBM majors require:

  • Goal 1 Part 1 (required for Mgmt 310 and Mktg 300; not required for other upper division courses, but strongly recommended)
  • Foundation courses
  • Business Core courses
  • Major Required courses
  • Major Elective courses
  • Capstone (s)

Required writing courses should be taken before any upper division courses in your General Education, Liberal Studies (GELS), or your major. Because many upper division courses are writing-intensive, improving your writing skills will help you to be more successful in those courses. Check course prerequisites to determine writing prerequisites.

GELS requirements do not need to be completed before you begin taking major courses. Although taking several GELS courses early in your program, including all writing courses is a good idea, it may be helpful to save some GELS courses to take later in your major. You can then use GELS courses to fill out your course load during semesters when your major courses are not offered.

College Algebra is an important prerequisite for many business courses. It is important to take your math assessment, if required, to find out if you are prepared for College Algebra, or if you need a preparatory course.

Foundation Courses

Foundation courses are lower division courses (100 or 200 level) that are prerequisites for many other courses. They build the skills needed throughout your program. Some courses may overlap with GELS (see the overlap sheet).

The Foundation course are all important courses; however, College Algebra is a crucial prerequisite for many business courses. It is important to take your math assessment, if required, to find out if you are prepared for College Algebra, or if you need a preparatory course.

Foundation courses required for most majors: 

Business Core Courses

The Business Core courses are upper division courses (300 or 400 level). They offer the breadth and depth you need to be a successful business professional. We recommend taking most of the Business Core courses early in your program.

The Business Core courses are similar for most majors. You can compare each College of Business and Management major and the required courses to determine which major you prefer. If you know you want to be in the College of Business and Management, but are unsure which major is right for you, you have a few semesters to take the both the Foundation and Business Core courses before choosing. You don't have to decide on a specific major until you begin taking Major Required courses. The Foundation and Business Core courses have multiple sections offered every term.

Business Core courses required for most majors:

Major Electives

The Major Elective courses are upper division courses and allow you some flexibility to choose courses that best fit your interests.
Major electives vary depending on the particular major. Some majors allow you to choose an elective course outside CBM, for example, Business Administration, while other majors have prescribed business major electives. If your major allows a major elective choice, courses from other colleges may be used as electives, for example Phil 320 Business Ethics. Check your course sequence for available options.


Mgmt 499: Case Studies in Strategic Management is a required course for all CBM majors and should be taken during your last semester. This capstone course requires that you apply knowledge gained from previous course work.
Some majors such as Management Information Systems (MIS), require a major specific capstone in addition to Mgmt 499. Check your course sequence to determine if your major requires an additional capstone course.

Students who have not completed all prerequisites for Mgmt 499 are dropped from the course.