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Summer and Fall 2025 Registration window opens March 17.

Waiver exams

Who should take the waiver exams?

Students with transferred courses deemed by our faculty as not equivalent in content to Metropolitan State University’s courses may choose to take free waiver exams to determine their knowledge in the corresponding areas: 

(Note: For more information regarding each waiver, click on the corresponding course below)

Study materials

Textbooks for all exams are on reserve at the Saint Paul Campus library at the Circulation Desk, 651-793-1616, on the second floor, filed under “CBM Textbooks.”

What is a waiver exam?

A waiver exam allows you to assess your knowledge in a specific course. If you pass the waiver exam, you have met the course requirement and can register for a course in which the waived course is a prerequisite. However, you do not earn credit for the course. If you do not pass the exam, you are required to register for the course. Each wavier exam has specific requirements that determine success in meeting course requirements. See the course specific waiver flyer for more information. For more information regarding a specific waiver exam, see that particular waiver exam.

Waiver logistics 

  • Exams are free.
  • Each waiver exam may only be taken once. 
  • Upon successful completion, credit is not earned, however, the course requirement is met.
  • Students are required to show their Metropolitan State ID card before testing.
  • Each exam varies in length of time, see the specific waiver flyer for more information. Additional time is not allowed.
  • Exams are closed book. For most exams, notes, scratch or additional paper is not allowed. See the specific course waiver flyer.
  • Only non-programmable calculators are allowed. They may not be musical, tape or plug-in.
  • Each student must provide their own calculator. No calculators or batteries will be provided.
  • Cell phones are not allowed to be used as calculators. No cell phone use is allowed during exams.
  • Exam results can be printed or will be emailed to students and advisors within two weeks of exam completion.
  • Minimum score is 70 - 75 percent to meet the course requirement. See the specific waiver exam flyer for more information.

Scheduling waiver exams

Waiver exams are offered by the Testing Center/Placement Assessment. Contact them to schedule your exam. 

**Do not contact the specific department to schedule a waiver exam. 

Waiver exam tips

  • Consult with your assigned academic advisor to help determine if a waiver exam is appropriate for you.
  • Plan ahead. Remember you are attempting to test out of an entire course, so preparation is key to success. Use the books on reserve in the library to study.
  • Be sure to set enough time aside to take the wavier exam. Review the specific waiver exam for length of time.
  • Bring a writing utensil.
  • Arrive early.